It's only 2.36 atm. I wouldn't apply (and can't since the minimum is 2.7) until I brought it up.
Why they should pick me over a guy with a higher GPA
While my GPA from my first years at college are sub-par, I have since worked very hard at bringing my grades up. I'm not the normal college student. I'm a husband, a father, and someone who desires to serve his country. With me, the Navy isn't going to have to wonder if all the training they give me is just going to end up somewhere in the private sector. The Navy for me is a lifestyle and a career as well as the single, most greatest occupation there is. My GPA may not be the greatest up on the boards, but I know that my drive, determination, and heart that I can give in service as a pilot pales all others by comparison.
I'm not intentionally trying to go after you guy but you being a husband, father, and working a full time job isn't an excuse for making a 2.36. There are plenty of older people with families that succeed and often do better than the average student. My own father got his degree from ERAU while flying full-time and being a father and husband and he had a 3.9 GPA. You may have drive but trying to blame your GPA on the fact that you're not a normal college student seems like a cop out.
Keep driving forward and get those grades up and you could come out on top.