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The Tortured Lives of Interrogators


This is one of the dumbest comments I have seen in a while ... why should anyone study history beyond the time that they have been alive, after all, they were not there to see it, right?!?!

That was not my point. I was simply wondering how he came to the conclusion that people today are more "pussified" than they were 50 years ago, since he was not alive back then to have first hand experience. Does he actually have any real evidence that people today are more pussified than they used to be? How does one even compare something like that?


Super Moderator
Very interesting read. I've wondered the impact of interrogation not only on the prisoner but the interrogator himself. You would think they would just create this fake personality, being good cop/bad cop if you will. I'm sure there is specialized training on interrogation methods and what not. I think it comes down to what works and what doesnt. Intelligence is very important. Always has. It saves lives, etc. Everyone will have a different opinion about it. If hanging a man upside-down and dunking him in a tank of pee will force him to confess information which will eventually save lives, then woo-rah. I trust our government has researched enough and found that "middle ground" which will save lives. It takes a special individual to be an interrogator. The mental toughness definitely needs to be on the A-game. Then again, we're all just human and as such can breakdown emotional when something such as torturing another human becomes to overwelming. I know I couldnt do it.

I will have to disagree with that assertion, I have seen nothing to show that we have studied the effectiveness of 'enhanced' interrogation techniques on people.