Dont forget the new Nimrod has been binned along with RAF Kinloss, although there is a rumour that returning Army units from Germany will take up the station in about ten years. So we are out of the airborne ASW/ASUW game too, another skillbase that once gone cant easily be replaced. A ridiculous decision considering that the nine aircraft are paid for and the infrastructure is in place at Kinloss. All we are saving is the operating costs. And especially stupid when you consider that since March, and the retirement of the Nimrod MR2, the Russians have been hovering around outside Faslane waiting for our Trident subs to come out .. .. we are now a maritime island nation that cant patrol its own waters.
As for the decision to bin the Harrier, I think no one here gets that. I supsect that it came down to a straight choice and the Tornado GR4 is the jet doing CAS in Afghan right now, it replaced the Harrier in the role. If the Argies make a move on the Falkands we only have four Typhoons down there to counter. Harriers might be useful, they certainly were last time. Add in that our transport and Tanker fleet to re-inforce is virtually non existent and its a dire situation. This "review" is a cost saving exercise and nothing more, believe it or not we pay India (a nation building two carriers currently and which has a space and nuclear wepaons program) £800,000,000 per year in aid to help with their "poverty". Foreign aid has been ringfenced in our budget, it cant be touched. But stopping it for ONE year would have saved the jobs of the 17,000 servicemen and woman who will end up in Civvy st.
Lot of angry people here in the UK today, I had a history teacher tell me years ago that the only man to enter Parliament with integrity, honest intentions and a good plan was Guy Fawkes, its hard to disagree with that after yesterday. Our Prime Minister is wittering on about what the threats are for the next ten years, glad he knows. Because if someone had walked up to me in October 2000 and said that in ten years we would have been fighting in Afghanistan for nine I would have not believed them. The echoes of what happened when we binned the last Ark Royal and fixed wing naval aipower are eerie, shortly after the Falklands were invaded and we were lucky to get away with getting them back with the Harriers we are now binning.
But at least we are keeping our sense of humour about it ..