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They Hate to Fly and It Shows


Come on, the FBI would have given him twins!
For the love of God, MB, I will pay for an entire evening of drinking if you STFU about your life's woes for one week. SERENITY NOW! :icon_rage


but look on the bright side, brett. you're not ever going to be "that guy."


Well-Known Member
OpNecc was mentioned, I threw a blurb in. Not relating to Ex-Wife at all.

UI commented about how it was devolving into helos already.

I asked "who brought the fat chicks" becasue in the CVW-5 thread, A4s mentioned that all threads seem to end up talking about helos, fat chicks, etc..

I was NOT even thinking about the ex when I posted it.

If I have pissed you people off that bad, sorry. I'm out.

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
If I have pissed you people off that bad, sorry. I'm out.
Stick around...you'll get nothing but sympathy from me. Ex-wife: been there, done that and still fighting the bitch 8 years later. You're lucky you didn't have a kid with her.

It's just Brett's time of the month. Ask about getting married during primary and he'll perk up....:eek: :D


Active Member
You can't pull off the forum. I'm following your fixed wing transition to see how it goes. Bitching about ex wives is a required maneuver for airline pilots so you've already got a mindset for a follow on career.
If I were you I'd go to SAN and take him up on his scholarship drinking offer. Go to the Bali Hai and drink Mai Tais; you'll get red lined FUBARed and he'lll have to mortgage the house to pay the tab. That's what a REAL helicopter pilot would do.


Come on, the FBI would have given him twins!
OpNecc was mentioned, I threw a blurb in. Not relating to Ex-Wife at all.

UI commented about how it was devolving into helos already.

I asked "who brought the fat chicks" becasue in the CVW-5 thread, A4s mentioned that all threads seem to end up talking about helos, fat chicks, etc..

I was NOT even thinking about the ex when I posted it.

If I have pissed you people off that bad, sorry. I'm out.

I'm pretty sure we're not pissed, MB. You know ex knives are fair game... as long as there's ZERO chance of you reuniting. (oops! see how that stuff just slips out? no disrepect intended, but none of us likes to see you in a rough spot. the humor means we care. or something like that.) In the same vein, Brett's bachelordom is also fair game. Maybe he can remind you of how the ropes go, now that you're free to swing on 'em. =)

How're the eats comin'? You're not eating Ramen, are you?


loving my warm and comfy 214 blanket
OpNecc was mentioned, I threw a blurb in. Not relating to Ex-Wife at all.

UI commented about how it was devolving into helos already.

I asked "who brought the fat chicks" becasue in the CVW-5 thread, A4s mentioned that all threads seem to end up talking about helos, fat chicks, etc..

I was NOT even thinking about the ex when I posted it.

If I have pissed you people off that bad, sorry. I'm out.

Uhhh, who the hell is going to be in the chat room now? You can't take off.