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Thinking about becoming an officer

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Hi. I'm new to this forum and I'm glad that I found it because I thought about possibly going into the naval branch/division of the US military for awhile.

I'll tell people a little bit about myself. I just turned 25 about a month ago. I graduated college last year. I hold a Bachlor's degre in Criminal Justice. The only problem is that I'm now finding it extrememly difficult to get a decent job. I've taken just about every civil service exam in the New York area, and the fact that I'm not scoring in the top 5% means that I'll most likely have to wait several/many years assuming I even get called. I tried for the local police dept in my area, but unfortunately it just didn't work out. I have two specific goals in mind. I'm interested in going to law school, and possibly working for the Federal Goverment (Specfically FBI, US Marshalls, SS, etc) I havent applied to any agencies yet, but I will very soon. In fact I probably should have done so already.)

I'm now back in school working on towards getting an M.A. in Criminal Justice. It's nice to have such a degree when applying to jobs, or at time of appointment....but I imagine barring extrenuating circumstances a specific degree won't neccesarily provide earth shattering differences when applying for certain jobs..unless I'm mistaken.

Another problem that I feel bad about is that I don't have any specfic skills that many of these Federal Agencies would like. (Computer, Engineering, Accounting, Multiple Foregin Language, etc)

Over the last few months people have suggested to me that I should become an officer with the Navy. I'm wondering if this is a good idea?? Based on my current stats, am I even eligable to attend officers training? Is there some series of prerequesites I must complete??

It's imperative for people reading this to understand that I did not consider this on the spur of the moment. I have seriously considered going into the US NAVY. I really haven't discussed this with my family. But I would appreciate some feedback.



is good to go
Do it becuase you have a passion and desire to lead. Go to war/protect the good of the country... etc. Im no officer yet, but 110% of the people on this forum may feel the same way. Im sure others can give you some more helpful ideas. good luck


Registered User
Fix your mind at a goal...but before you do think about it and think it over, after weighing your options and have decided to pursue a career in the military; GO FOR IT.

Don't look back just strive for it.:D


Registered User
Well, have you decided what part you want to serve in? Maybe you might want to wait until you get your law degree and go JAG, or get your commission now in a different designator. There is a lot to choose from, so give us more details (like did you take the ASTB yet, if yes, what was your score, etc). Either way, it's your decision in the end.


Over the last few months people have suggested to me that I should become an officer with the Navy. I'm wondering if this is a good idea??

It's imperative for people reading this to understand that I did not consider this on the spur of the moment. I have seriously considered going into the US NAVY.

These 2 statements seem to contradict each other. It sounds like the navy is just an option to you, and one you didn't think about until people suggested to you.

However, think about what it is exactly that interests you in the Navy. If you join and ship to OCS (bachelor's degree is the basic minimum, with some designators having other preferences/requirements), keep in mind you'll be committed to at least 4 years, and you'll have little to no control over where you live. Add to that deployments that'll go 6 months or longer.


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
Hi. I'm new to this forum and I'm glad that I found it because I thought about possibly going into the naval branch/division of the US military for awhile.

I'll tell people a little bit about myself. I just turned 25 about a month ago. I graduated college last year. I hold a Bachlor's degre in Criminal Justice. The only problem is that I'm now finding it extrememly difficult to get a decent job. I've taken just about every civil service exam in the New York area, and the fact that I'm not scoring in the top 5% means that I'll most likely have to wait several/many years assuming I even get called. I tried for the local police dept in my area, but unfortunately it just didn't work out. I have two specific goals in mind. I'm interested in going to law school, and possibly working for the Federal Goverment (Specfically FBI, US Marshalls, SS, etc) I havent applied to any agencies yet, but I will very soon. In fact I probably should have done so already.)

I'm now back in school working on towards getting an M.A. in Criminal Justice. It's nice to have such a degree when applying to jobs, or at time of appointment....but I imagine barring extrenuating circumstances a specific degree won't neccesarily provide earth shattering differences when applying for certain jobs..unless I'm mistaken.

Another problem that I feel bad about is that I don't have any specfic skills that many of these Federal Agencies would like. (Computer, Engineering, Accounting, Multiple Foregin Language, etc)

Over the last few months people have suggested to me that I should become an officer with the Navy. I'm wondering if this is a good idea?? Based on my current stats, am I even eligable to attend officers training? Is there some series of prerequesites I must complete??

It's imperative for people reading this to understand that I did not consider this on the spur of the moment. I have seriously considered going into the US NAVY. I really haven't discussed this with my family. But I would appreciate some feedback.


I hope you spell check your applications. Attention to detail.

PU Grad

MAC flight user
I hope you spell check your applications. Attention to detail.

I love that after going through his entire post, all you point out is the spelling errors.

@(Whoever this is)
This sounds like something you need to figure out for yourself. Is the Navy something that you really want to do or is it just a whim? Talk to a recruiter. They can help point you in the right direction for what you are looking for. They can at least give you more specifics on the kind of job you see yourself doing. Also, if you talk to a recruiter and are positive that you want to go officer, talk to an OFFICER recruiter. The recruiting offices can point you in the right direction.

From your initial post you seem to be qualified, but there could be underlying factors that you haven't shared with us that could disqualify you. First age restriction is for pilot at age 27. Other than that, there are a bunch of other preferences and requirements.


These 2 statements seem to contradict each other. It sounds like the navy is just an option to you, and one you didn't think about until people suggested to you.

Sorry that does kinda sound self contradictory. :icon_wink Let me clarify. People that I've spoken with have expressed their ideas based on my interest regarding officer's training. I didn't mean for it to sound as if it were an overnight decision. I've some what recently been thinking about this. I must admit though, I know next to nothing, so I hope to learn as much as I can.

Admittedly though, I haven't really explored too deeply into this, so that's one of the reasons why I joined this community.


Combating TIP training AGAIN?!
Hi. I'm new to this forum and I'm glad that I found it because I thought about possibly going into the naval branch/division of the US military for awhile.

I'll tell people a little bit about myself. I just turned 25 about a month ago. I graduated college last year. I hold a Bachlor's degre in Criminal Justice. The only problem is that I'm now finding it extrememly difficult to get a decent job. I've taken just about every civil service exam in the New York area, and the fact that I'm not scoring in the top 5% means that I'll most likely have to wait several/many years assuming I even get called. I tried for the local police dept in my area, but unfortunately it just didn't work out. I have two specific goals in mind. I'm interested in going to law school, and possibly working for the Federal Goverment (Specfically FBI, US Marshalls, SS, etc) I havent applied to any agencies yet, but I will very soon. In fact I probably should have done so already.)

I'm now back in school working on towards getting an M.A. in Criminal Justice. It's nice to have such a degree when applying to jobs, or at time of appointment....but I imagine barring extrenuating circumstances a specific degree won't neccesarily provide earth shattering differences when applying for certain jobs..unless I'm mistaken.

Another problem that I feel bad about is that I don't have any specfic skills that many of these Federal Agencies would like. (Computer, Engineering, Accounting, Multiple Foregin Language, etc)

Over the last few months people have suggested to me that I should become an officer with the Navy. I'm wondering if this is a good idea?? Based on my current stats, am I even eligable to attend officers training? Is there some series of prerequesites I must complete??

It's imperative for people reading this to understand that I did not consider this on the spur of the moment. I have seriously considered going into the US NAVY. I really haven't discussed this with my family. But I would appreciate some feedback.


I am just curious as to why you want to be a Naval Officer? What was it that caught your attention? By the way, you will need to go over this in writing as a part of your package.


From your initial post you seem to be qualified, but there could be underlying factors that you haven't shared with us that could disqualify you. First age restriction is for pilot at age 27. Other than that, there are a bunch of other preferences and requirements.

For any job or profession, 27 sounds very young. Do you mean can't be older than 27, or a minimum of 27 years of age. I have no arrest records, no medical conditions, employment status is good, good credit report, decent GPA 3.1. I assume that puts me in a good position


I am just curious as to why you want to be a Naval Officer? What was it that caught your attention? By the way, you will need to go over this in writing as a part of your package.

Well if it helps, I'm not committed on becoming a naval officer. It's just something that I'm considering.


Combating TIP training AGAIN?!
Well if it helps, I'm not committed on becoming a naval officer. It's just something that I'm considering.

Well why are you considering it? Is it just your "ace in the hole" option if things don't work out elsewhere?


For any job or profession, 27 sounds very young. Do you mean can't be older than 27, or a minimum of 27 years of age. I have no arrest records, no medical conditions, employment status is good, good credit report, decent GPA 3.1. I assume that puts me in a good position

Age restrictions in the Navy are maximums, so in this case, the oldest you can be for pilot is 27 by commissioning.

Do more research to find out if it's something you truly want to do...the military isn't a good 2nd or 3rd choice. You'll be bound for at least 4 years. It's not like taking that lone job offer out of college, then getting a better job a year later.


Age restrictions in the Navy are maximums, so in this case, the oldest you can be for pilot is 27 by commissioning.

Do more research to find out if it's something you truly want to do...the military isn't a good 2nd or 3rd choice. You'll be bound for at least 4 years. It's not like taking that lone job offer out of college, then getting a better job a year later.

Where is a good place to get the basic info?? Thanks.
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