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This is F***ed up

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Registered User
That disgusts me. Are these people retarded enough to think that life was actually better for them while Saddam was there. America has given these people the chance to rebuild themselves and provide a better life for their families yet they continue to chant and celebrate every time a terrorist act has taken part on our men and women. Maybe someone can ease my mind, because I'm confused about these people.


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
I'll get my rational explanation in before I go and get even madder. :icon_rage Frankly, the people in that area WERE better off when Saddam was there. That's why they're killing our people right now. The Sunni Triangle is right around Saddam's old hometown, on his tribe's ancestral lands. These were the people who helped him stay in power. For 30 years, they weren't getting their marshes drained or their daughters raped. Lots of them were living like kings, or at least princes.

Do me a favor. If you want to find out about all the violence that's going on in Iraq, go back through the news and read where Americans and Britons are being killed (not Iraqis). Then bust out a map and look at where these places are in Iraq. I bet you'll find they're mostly around Baghdad, with maybe a few scattered here and there in the North, and very few in the south. The Kurds in the North like us. Shiites in the South will tolerate us as long as we don't make Ayatollah Sistani mad. If I'm off base, PM me, or better yet call me on it here.

Were did we find Saddam? Not in the South. The Shiites would have strung him up in a second after he slaughtered them in the 90's. Where did we kill his sons? Not in the North. The Kurdish peshmerga fighters would've turned them into mincemeat for gassing their towns in the 80's. We found those bastards right there in the middle of their family and friends. This is where the support was; the rest of the country hated the Sunni elite, and rightfully so. Tikrit is where a lion's share of the Republican Guard and Fedayeen Saddam came from. The Sunni Triangle is where Saddam was loved, not hated. So guess what they think of us there. The ones who supported Saddam know it's time to pay the piper. The ones who didn't, if there are any, are probably scared to death that they'll get stereotyped as Baathists. It's the end of the line, and they know it.

Painting all Iraqis with the same brush is like referring to 1850's America and expecting everyone to think and act alike. Chances are you'd get a different worldview from a slave or an Irishman than you would from the majority. Kurds and Arabs think differently. Among Arabs, Sunnis and Shiites have had a long and sometimes violent relationship.

I'm not even going to comment on what happened today. Suffice it to say that I'd probably say something I'd regret later. So I'll just keep my mouth shut and finish seething first.


FLY NAVY...Divers need the work
Yeah, where was the picture of the missle exploding in the crowd?
We should take lessons from Israel, after all, they have successfully combatted the same circumstances we're facing in Iraq for fifty years with much more success. Instead we're trying to appease NATO, which is great, except it will drag the war on much, much, much longer and it WILL cost more lives (at a slower rate though).

We initiated the war, now we must fight it. We can't treat Iraq like a Western city under martial law, that's ridiculous. Every nation knows they can beat us with long, drawn-out guerilla wars, which is what this is turning into. For God's sake if we try to gingerly step through Iraq, weeding out the insurgents we'll be there for another ten years. Time is not on our side. Each day the war drags on the more people turn against us. We need to control them so we can rebuild their country, and we need to do it FAST. If we continue trying to appease NATO (I mean France), we will suffer immensely, and we may not reach our goals, but if we take lessons from Israel the war will end faster and people will focus on Iraq's success as a nation rather than what we had to do for their independence. I know this sounds cold, and I know people will disagree, but it's a friggin war. We need to put our emotions aside.


ERAU Student
It is some crazy stuff happening there. My little brother is stationed near Fallujah with 1st Tanks, hopefully he'll come through with an update sometime.


Registered User
Last time I checked France was an observer and not a full member of NATO. They withdrew from full membership in the 50s De Gaulle and Ensienhower wern't best friends, going back to the days when De Gaulle ordered General Juin to disobey an orde to retreat at the battle of the bulge issued by Ensienhower. When NATO asked one thing from the U.S. Navy, and another from the French one, De Gaulle withdrew in protest. France's lack of a Marine Corps(they have the forgin legion instead) and their weak air transportation outside of Europe and Africia, makes them over proective of their navy, and puting your main forgin policy tool under the command of NATO was not something De Gaulle would do.
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