I listed on my package that I was not able to ship until JAN2025. My recruiter informed me that my package will still be submitted via ISEL instead of the traditional board. Does anybody have any information on whether my package will be eligible for the ISEL process with a ship date 5 months out?
I have a 3.12 GPA with 60 8/8/8 ASTB scores & no waivers.
No information, but
30+ years of experience. Requirements change, and will certainly continue to do so. It's very difficult to forecast, especially in Naval Air, in which the only constant
is change. Many, many variables can change the future accessions picture.
If what you really really want is to train with the best, and win wings of gold, and serve with the best --then I would advise you grab the gold ring of opportunity (if offered) at the first chance. If you don't, then the next prospect in line will get your shot.
We all have our own personal priorities, and it's really nice when ours and the Navy's line up. But you know who's got the majority vote.
Good luck to you!