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Tropical Storm Arlene

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Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
Penguin said:
Don't worry, I'm sure Nittany was speaking in relative terms. Before he went to pointy-nose jet land, he did his time at Whiting. What'd you have?...about four flights with Big Mike before the Hurricane?
All that time in the lap of luxury has made him forget the reality of Pensacola.

Four. Out of like six total before he went off to give Kim Jong-Il heartburn. And then two months off . . . thank you Ivan.

Lap of luxury? LAP OF LUXURY???? Man, you should come up here and see all the cushiness of Meridian for yourself. I mean, we have to come back every once in awhile just to remind ourselves how good we have it up here. Oh. Wait. How good YOU have it down THERE. :boring_12

But, then again, it IS "pointy-nose jet land." Makes up for a lot.

Did they decide not to Hurevac for Arlene? Thought if they had there'd be a big stream of helos refueling here, but I didn't see any of you guys buzzing around.


No hurevac, and I've seen a lot worse thunderstorms in Pcola/Milton than this storm. We lost power for about 15 minutes, and it's pretty windy, but nothing spectacular. Ho hum, I guess I shouldn't b!tch too much--at least it wasn't Ivan.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to make a "I Survived Arlene" T-shirt.

Man, that 15 mins w/o power sure had me down. I thought the Horsemen were drawing nearer...

The hailstorm and the two weekends of rain we had after it were much, much worse than this little drizzle and wind.
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