Your PFT score matters but ultimately what matters most is that you pass the ASTB. If there's competition between you and someone else they may look at PFT scores but more often than not they'll go with whoever has the higher ASTB. Also, something that I found out when I was on the board is that they take your college GPA into account. My ASTB was relatively low 5/7/6 but I graduated college with a 3.9 GPA. Flight school, at least in my experience so far, has a lot more to do with your ability to be a good student rather than how well you did or didn't do on the ASTB, I think that's why they consider GPA because the board wants to know if you're a good student. However, you still need to pass the ASTB to be eligible. It looks like your PFAR score (the 4 and 5) is the lowest so I would definitely get on the simulators more and do as much as you can before TBS because once you check in your time to do anything else, up to and including having a life, will be severly limited. TBS is called the big suck, or time between saturdays, for a good reason.