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Turks and Syrians exchange rounds


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
No more than liberals do. I'm just asking you a question based on what you've posted, no need to be defensive or issue personal attacks. I know it's not particularly fashionable these days, but it is possible to have a discussion and even to disagree, without using expletives.
Your comment regarding a so called in vogue criticism of NATO by conservatives came across as a pejorative and absolutely suggested my motivation was not organic or my comments original. That is no way to have a discussion or defend your position. It is a cheap shot. I can't imagine what about my post would have you think a comment like that was even germane. As to the expletive, yes, at 54 years old, church going, and employed in the public eye, I am all about fashionable vulgarity. The very fact I use such language so rarely and did so then, was to convey my outrage at your parting comments and disappointment that what I thought was an enlightening and enjoyable conversation was thought by you to be nothing more than talking points I got off a far right wing web site. How about this. I won't tell you to fuck off when we have a discussion and you don't try to shut down said conversation by implying my position is just talking points not worthy of your intellect.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Your comment regarding a so called vogue criticism of NATO by conservatives came across as a pejorative and absolutely suggested my motivation was not organic or my comments original. That is no way to have a discussion or defend your position. It is a cheap shot. I can't imagine what about my post would have you think a comment like that was even germane. As to the expletive, yes, at 54 years old, church going, and employed in the public eye, I am all about fashionable vulgarity. The very fact I use such language so rarely and did so then, was to convey my outrage at your parting comments and disappointment that what I thought was a enlightening and enjoyable conversation was thought by you to be nothing more than talking points I got off a far right wing web site. How about this. I won't tell you to fuck off when we have a discussion and you don't try to shut down said conversation by implying my position is just talking points not worthy of your intellect.
I asked you whether you had a valid criticism (which you nicely articulated) OR were just toeing the party line. If you think I was inferring the latter, you were in error.