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Two oil tankers hit in Gulf of Oman

Randy Daytona

Cold War Relic
Super Moderator
Randy, Not sure what happened there, here is the Correct link

Thanks for the link - good article. Makes you wonder how long the Gulf Coast refineries are going to be configured for the heavier oil - if they start retooling to handle light crude from shale, the heavy stuff from Venezuela might have a harder time finding a market. Any idea what the status of the natural gas pipelines are in the Bakken? Flaring gas is wasting money.

And on a separate note, will be interesting to see what happens with the British tanker seized by the Iranians.



Mobilizer Extraordinaire
Anyone else see the part of the video where one dude fast ropes down and hits someone else lower on the rope? ?


loving my warm and comfy 214 blanket
Anyone else see the part of the video where one dude fast ropes down and hits someone else lower on the rope? ?
So many things can happen on a fast rope. I've seen a lot of calamitous ones, thankfully no one ever got hurt.

My favorite was a MARSOC guy playing with the 2nd commando aussies , he was the last one out. Goes on the rope and gets about 2 feet down before he realizes he didn't untie. Somehow, with one arm, pulls himself up, releases, and goes down the rope. Also that day I think @insanebikerboy lost a hat.


Bullets don't fly without Supply
Thanks for the link - good article. Makes you wonder how long the Gulf Coast refineries are going to be configured for the heavier oil - if they start retooling to handle light crude from shale, the heavy stuff from Venezuela might have a harder time finding a market. Any idea what the status of the natural gas pipelines are in the Bakken? Flaring gas is wasting money.

And on a separate note, will be interesting to see what happens with the British tanker seized by the Iranians.

Sorry, was on AT when this was posted.

The problem with the Bakken and western gas is access to infrastructure and markets. Nat gas is not the primary resource when drilling in those areas, the E&P companies are in it for the oil. It is very expensive to put new pipe in the ground ($5-10mm/mile) not to mention the regulatory and environmental (what about the North Dakota Spotted Salamander!!!) hurdles they have to jump through to get a new pipeline approved. So, it's just easier to flare the gas then deal with the expense and headache of shipping it.

My focus in on the North East and Mid-Atlantic and there is a major pipeline project (ACP) that is being held-up by environmental groups because it would cross the Appalachian Trail (just like the 30+ existing pipelines that cross the AT). The pipe was actually rerouted to avoid habitat for an endangered salamander (no joke) at the cost of tens of millions. And this pipe would go under the AT, horizontal directional drilling, so there would be no disruption to trail.

Deleted member 67144 scul

This is deja vu for anyone who's studied the Iran-Iraq War. Before the formal start of the war, Iran was striking Iraqi and other shipping and making artillery strikes and airstrikes on various targets, including oil infrastructure, in southern Iraq. This is all too similar and worrying to say the least.

Regarding it being a drone strike, I've also read it could have been Soumar cruise missiles (based on the Soviet Kh-55).
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Brett327 gargles ballsacks
Let SA and Iran duke it out. Sell the saudis whatever they want. Let the Israelis know it’s free reign on anything Iranian in the meantime.

Fuck spending more treasure to protect the humanitarian nightmare that is The Kingdom of Saud from getting their noses punched in.

Pick up the pieces once the dust settles after all the roughnecks in the US southwest have new f-350s.


Super Moderator
Let SA and Iran duke it out. Sell the saudis whatever they want. Let the Israelis know it’s free reign on anything Iranian in the meantime.

Fuck spending more treasure to protect the humanitarian nightmare that is The Kingdom of Saud from getting their noses punched in.

Pick up the pieces once the dust settles after all the roughnecks in the US southwest have new f-350s.

The problem with that is the Saudis control such a vast quantity of oil that if they finally came to blows with the Iranians it would certainly affect the world's oil supply, likely causing oil prices to rise considerably and harming the world's economy, drastically in worst case scenarios. I'm not a fan of the Saudi regime, especially of some of their latest shenanigans in Yemen and elsewhere, but I hope we use our influence with them to temper whatever their response is to the attacks.

As for the Israelis, if they could do more they likely would but they can't as the tyranny of distance impedes their options.