@HuggyU2 : With the retirement of the U-2 being kicked down the road several times over the past few years, how much longer do you expect the program to be taking in new pilots?
In 2005, PBD 720 was released by the Federal gov't, and it said the U-2, A-10, and F-117 would be retired. IIRC, the first U-2 was supposed to be parked in 2007, with the fleet going away rapidly, and gone around 2011. Even then, a bunch of us knew that was unlikely... there was simply nothing the COCOM's would have to replace the capability.
I was running U-2 Recruiting at the time and told the potential U-2 applicants (and also posted on a few websites) "Don't worry... the last U-2 pilot isn't out of elementary school yet.". That said, having Lt Gen Cartwright, USMC, become Vice CJCS didn't help us during his 4-year reign of U-2 hatred, but we survived.
Without boring you with a year-by-year analysis, here we are in 2019... and after 14 years of limited funding, DoD and US Intel have figured out they really love the U-2, and they would like it to have upgraded sensors to put on the airframes we have, which have tons more life left in them. As such, money is apparently being allocated, and there is a lot going on in U-2 land with increasing the capability. I mean a lot.
As it turns out, my "not out of elementary school" analogy is accurate. However, I'd say it could easily have been "not out of diapers" and I'd be right.
So... to answer your question, SevenHelmet, drop an application on T-Bone's desk and some join the other 35ish Gold Wingers that have made the U-2 their happy spot.