What on earth does that mean? Airlines, like all free market companies, charge fair market price. This isn't determined by how much the product costs to produce.
Think supply AND demand. If you're willing to suggest that customers should pay more you should also be willing to accept that the airline should reduce it's production cost. Yes, this can mean firing pilots and paying them less...
Yea that sounds like the right idea. Start paying pilots, mechanics, etc all less.
Alright think about this for a minute.
The airline you're flying on today has recently cut pay for ramp workers, gate agents, pilots, flight attendants, etc.
You are flying from Pensacola to Chicago to Los Angeles.
You are carrying 1 bag on and you are checking the other.
You're a smart passenger who watches the ticket agent tag your bag for the right flight. They then place that bag on the belt going to the bag room.
While you're on your way with your boarding passes to the gate the bag room guy receives your bag and looks down at the tag and puts it on the cart for the 1PM Chicago flight, but wait you're on the 10AM Chicago flight.
You make it to your gate. You are scheduled to board 30 minutes prior. The plane has deplaned but your gate agent is just starting to print their paperwork for the crew onboard. It takes her 10 minutes to print her paperwork.
The Captain has already returned to the aircraft after checking his stuff on the computer. The gate agent then walks the paperwork down to the aircraft taking another 5 minutes while they chat with the FAs and the pilots about how everyone just took a huge pay cut.
She comes back up and begins the boarding process. The doors close 10 minutes after schedule departure. That's fine though, you'll still make it.
Little do you know that the rampers are just now starting on bags. Ramp delay for another 15-20 minutes. Everything is all buttoned up and ready to go. You're pushing out of the gate now. Then you slowly taxi out and you're off.
A couple hours later you're descending down into Chicago. You look down at your watch and realize that your connection is going to be very tight now. 15 minutes to get from gate to gate. You're hoping the flight attendant goes down a list of gate information, but she doesn't. You are directed to a representative waiting outside at your gate.
You quickly deboard the aircraft and do not see the representative. (They got rid of that position because of increasing costs) So you go over to the gate agent and ask for the flight info. They respond by directing you to the screens available two gates down and say that they are busy dealing with the flight that has just come in.(Which they are.)
You quickly run down to the screens and find your gate information. You run to your gate and as you arrive they have just closed the doors and are no longer boarding. You curse to yourself and walk up to the gate agent. She directs you to the customer service center. You go there stand in line to be rebooked or you go on your computer to attempt to rebook.
But wait, the airlines have reduced flights and everything is booked solid. You're not getting out til tomorrow. Now you're stuck in Chicago and the airline no longer provides hotel vouchers or meal vouchers.
All because you couldn't deal with a hundred dollar difference in your plane ticket.
You get what you pay for.