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UAE managing our ports


Registered User
Any thoughts on the UAE managing our ports? Just thought I would throw it out there and see what the AWs brain trust has to say on the matter. :confused:

Fly Navy

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Amazing it took this long for this topic to popup here...

I don't like it. I don't like a Middle East country/company, those of which I have zero trust for, controlling our ports. Our "allies" are barely our allies in many cases.


I'm not driving fast, I'm flying low
I was actually surprised to hear that a British-based company is currently running them. Off the top of my head, I'm a bit uneasy with any private company running all shipping at a given city, especially a foreign one.

Simultaneously, I'm not sure as to what they would be "running". Aren't Customs and similar folk still gonna be hanging around the ports? Isn't the Port Authority (at least in NY/NJ) still on the payroll? Media seems to be sketchy on the details of the contract.


Well-Known Member
I second Fly, I thought about starting it up but I figured if no one had put it up yet it probably wasn't a topic of interest!


Registered User
mkoch said:
Simultaneously, I'm not sure as to what they would be "running". Aren't Customs and similar folk still gonna be hanging around the ports? Isn't the Port Authority (at least in NY/NJ) still on the payroll? Media seems to be sketchy on the details of the contract.

From what I understand this will have nothing to do with security, that’s going to continue to be poor. Apparently we only inspect something like 10% of the containers that are coming into this country.

Fly Navy

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S.O.B. said:
From what I understand this will have nothing to do with security, that’s going to continue to be poor. Apparently we only inspect something like 10% of the containers that are coming into this country.

Ever driven by the ports in NJ and NY? There is a reason we only inspect 10%...


Registered User
If a terrorist wants to sneak something into this country he can send it through our southern boarder with the drugs, guns, and thousands of illegal aliens that cross it every day.

Fly Navy

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S.O.B. said:
If a terrorist wants to sneak something into this country he can send it through our southern boarder with the drugs, guns, and thousands of illegal aliens that cross it every day.

Shoot, Canadian border too. Most of it is wilderness.


The furor over the 6-port operational change from a British company to one from the UAE is politics. Personally, it doesn't excite me too much. The ports are ALREADY being run by foreigners.

You want some real concerns??? :
The United States Department of Transportation (DOT) on February 8, 2005, presented its decision before the U.S. House of Representatives House Aviation Sub-Committee, to change a rule which would clear the way for foreign corporations to own and control U.S. airlines. Those are the same U.S. airlines that are part of our national defense airlift capability. Not to say anything of security concerns ....

Currently, U.S. law requires that U.S. airlines must be under the “actual control” of U.S. citizens in order to be licensed for operation. DOD and State have agreed with their brethren in the DOT.

What is going on, here???

Also ... are you-all aware of other US ports being operated by companies from Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, and China. Red China??? Panama Canal ???

"Globalization"??? Where has everyone been all this time??? Asleep ???

Just my $20 worth ....

Fly Navy

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Super Moderator
I did NOT know about the airline thing. That's fvcked up. Like, really really fvcked up.


Fly Navy said:
I did NOT know about the airline thing. That's fvcked up. Like, really really fvcked up.
Yeah, it is ... and it's been "hidden" off the radar screen for nearly a year because of the politicians' virtual ignorance on the subject and the media's preoccupation elsewhere. And why was there not any sh!t-storm 10 years ago when when foreign companies started running operations in U.S. ports?? Because nobody knew. And nobody cared.

The airline thing is all about "open-skies" and US access to Heathrow Airport. Amazing what some business types and this administration's appointees will do to gain a little short term financial gain ... almost enough to make me become a Democrat.


Fly Navy said:
Amazing it took this long for this topic to popup here...

I don't like it. I don't like a Middle East country/company, those of which I have zero trust for, controlling our ports. Our "allies" are barely our allies in many cases.

Foreign companies have run ports for many years. What's the difference if it's a British company or a MidEast company? This basically boils down to racism guys. Stopping this sale just because it involves a MidEast company would destroy the reputation of the United States (and also make it quite hypocritical policywise) in one of our allies in the Middle East.


Working Plan B
Fly Navy said:
Ever driven by the ports in NJ and NY? There is a reason we only inspect 10%...
While I'm not sure where I stand on the issue of foreign companies owning airlines and managing ports...

For anyone who is interested in the specific problem of container inspection, I am right in the middle of William Langewiesche's, The Outlaw Sea. It addressses terrorism, piracy, and various kinds of accountability (or lack thereof) in the shipping industry. Short, fascinating read so far; demonstrates just how wild the ocean can be!

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
DanielSon said:
Foreign companies have run ports for many years. What's the difference if it's a British company or a MidEast company? This basically boils down to racism guys.

Racism? Good lord, spare us. Let me break this down ignorant style:

Britain: A long and trusted ally.

Middle Eastern Countries: Even our "allies" harbor ill feelings, sympathize with Al Qaeda, harbor terrorists, so on and so on.

Example? When 9/11 happened, something like 90% of the Egyptian military agreed with the attacks. Egypt is an "ally".

Another? Saudi Arabia. Most of the hijackers came from there. Schools there have been documented as preaching essentially death to America. But they're our "ally".

Don't get me wrong, I don't want the Brits controlling my ports... but when it comes down to it... I'd rather them than any other country.

Oh yeah, but it's just racism. Don't let the brownies run our ports! Only white, Aryan races can! Pulling the race card here is juvenile.


How is it going to be percieved in the Middle East? It can only hurt us.

*edit* Also, how can we legally stop a private transaction of this nature if it has already passed through the government's routine scrutiny? If it was being sold to another British company, I assume there would be no outcry like we're hearing now. Are we to hold all Middle Eastern companies to a tougher standard than Western companies? That is illegal and immoral. Not to mention that it will only add to the mistrust and anger between the US and that region already exists. Plus, porous as the Port security may be, that's not what is being sold. Basically, the use of the cranes in the ports is being sold. So what's the big fricken deal about?