Huh? That hasn't been around for years.
I lived on Warden Field in High School.
Just me.Steve is someone screwing with your profile/avatar again?
I applaude your dedication...keep it up. The navy needs more females that don't take advantage of their lower PRT standards and push themselves to do their best. I personally witnessed a 28 year old female at NSI crank out 142 sit-ups, 58 push-ups, and a 1032 run...It was motivating to say the least. Keep setting the example...
Yut Yut OORAH Semper FI Devildog!![]()
You're right. I agree completely. I work my a** off to be in great shape and cant stand the same things that you have said above. In fact, I would almost say that it is more mentally draining on a female who is in good shape, does well on her PRT (whether you are looking at the male of female standards) and has to sit and watch the other 3/4 of the females in her battalion or whatever be overweight, not be able to run, do these wimpy puchups and then, AND THEN, complain about the standards being too high. Believe me, I hate it just as much as you.
...Im ready to play and give you all a run for your money. Cant wait!![]()
hmmm....sounds familiar....perhaps I know some of them :icon_wink
I'm sure we will all have "big high-heels to fill"
That's what I like about VMI. One Corps, One Standard. A minimum of 5 pull-ups, 60 sit ups, and a 12:00 1.5 mile run is required, no matter if you're male or female.
The AWLamp is ON and shining brightly.
VMI just changed that on June 30, 2008, and the VMI female cadets all seem to agree it is tragic. all the ones i've spoken to so far seem to feel it is better to fail as a female but keeping one standard for everyone, then to gender norm the standard. since the group it is supposed to benefit is so opposed to gender norming, i just don't really understand why the Institute changed it. :icon_tong
(just the opinion of a vmi pre-strain)
Holy Thread Ressurection, Batman!!!!
2 years.. thats gotta be some kinda record.
Holy Thread Ressurection, Batman!!!!
2 years.. thats gotta be some kinda record.
It's OK for females, they're allowed a two year thread resurection time-frame compared to the males two months. :icon_tong