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uniforms for aviation ashore


Whateva! I do what I want!
Super Moderator
I'm going on an aviation ashore cruise to an HSL squadron down in Mayport and I'm wondering how many uniforms I really need to bring. The list has me bringing pretty much my entire seabag, but somehow I doubt I'm going to need my coveralls, even if I do get out to the boat or something. So, for those who have BTDT, how much of what do I need?


Next guy to ask about thumbdrives gets shot.
Why doesn't it surprise me that despite the fact that everyone puts on the feedback sheet "Uniform list needs serious revisions" that it hasn't changed?

We needed whites to travel in (only on the way out... you'll be in civvies on the way back), a set of khakis for the first day (until they gave us flight suits), and then wore nothing but bags and civvies.

In short:
  • Don't bring two of anything.
  • Don't bring coveralls.
  • Don't bring dress uniforms.
  • Bring a lot of civilian attire and cash.
If you somehow end up being the one guy who ever needed that stuff on midshipman cruise... you can either go buy it at the NEX or play the midsh!thead card and feign ignorance.


Shut the F#%k up, dummy!
I agree, I did my ashore with HS-3 and wore my Khakis for check-in and wore the bag the rest of the time. Had to buy black t-shirts at the NEX to wear with it but it was money well spent. Most of the time we were at the beach so bring a swimsuit!


I'm not dead yet....
Is no one going to tell him to find a set of aviation working greens?

Really: one set of Khakis, one set of whites to check in, a swimsuit and you're drinking pants.


New Member
I'm in the Norfolk BOQ right now on free wireless. I'm with HW-14 down here, an MH-53 squadron that mainly does mine sweeping. I drove down here Tuesday, and they got us up in the air on Wednesday, and we shot the 50 cal off the chopper. SO COOL. You report in whites (they told us they wouldn't have cared if we showed up in khakis), change into khakis for the day, and then they get you flight suits. They pretty much tell you to come in whenever you want to. They told us not to come in tomorrow (Friday) or Monday cuz there's nothing interesting to be doing at the squadron. 4 day weekend down in Virginia Beach for us!


NPQ from SNA
The only other gouge that hasn't really been covered is that you should do whatever you can to work a POV into your orders. Like people have said already, you're going to have plenty of free time to go to the beach and what-not, so you might as well have a car there so you can take advantage of the situation.


Whateva! I do what I want!
Super Moderator
That's not going to be possible considering I live in MD and the cruise is in FL. Hopefully I can get a rental while I'm there, but considering I'm only 20 that might not be possible, or if it is, I'll just have to pay an obscene amount for it.