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Uniforms! Holy Cow! These puppies are expensive! (Bonus: Tax writeoff gouge)


Deleted member 67144 scul

Anyone know if something like Darn Tough socks are allowed for PT or in NWUs? They have funky design patterns and have the little logo on the top of the back of the sock. I'm thinking of getting some more pairs for hiking and running. The difference between doing a 12 mile hike ending up with [a couple minor] toe blisters and a 15+ mile hike in perfect condition is incredible.

If you get the chance to hop on orders to Sixth Fleet for active training or just reservist orders, do it!

I've come across a fair number of SWOs who have done a tour with DESRON 60. Frankly they did not shut up boasting about all the world-famous tourist destinations they got to go to that no one else from their hometowns have ever been to, even far inland land-locked places like Prague. Initially, it sounded about as good as a deal as you can get in the military? But they also didn't shut up about how miserable SWO life was even cruising around the Mediterranean/Europe, so maybe not so good at least as a SWO.


DD-214 in hand and I'm gonna party like it's 1998
Boot sock color with your uniform and pants (oops "trousers"), there is probably some meamingless reg for that. I think it's green with guacamoles, dark blue with the smurf camouflage (NWU), and white with flight suits (at least it used to be with the sage green flight suits for Navy).

Some busybody will come along, sooner or later, and shipmate you on your boot sock color. At that time you will instantly know that that person is someone whose opinion you should not GAF about.

Hair Warrior

Well-Known Member
Dude, you will not be marching for 1/4 mile let alone multiple miles in your NWUs. Don’t overthink it. Just buy tall dark socks. PT socks are just white or dark ankle socks.


Making Recruiting Great Again
Anyone know if something like Darn Tough socks are allowed for PT or in NWUs? They have funky design patterns and have the little logo on the top of the back of the sock. I'm thinking of getting some more pairs for hiking and running. The difference between doing a 12 mile hike ending up with [a couple minor] toe blisters and a 15+ mile hike in perfect condition is incredible.

I've come across a fair number of SWOs who have done a tour with DESRON 60. Frankly they did not shut up boasting about all the world-famous tourist destinations they got to go to that no one else from their hometowns have ever been to, even far inland land-locked places like Prague. Initially, it sounded about as good as a deal as you can get in the military? But they also didn't shut up about how miserable SWO life was even cruising around the Mediterranean/Europe, so maybe not so good at least as a SWO.

You’re going to a 10 day INDOC, not boot camp. You are nuking this way more that what it should be.

Deleted member 67144 scul

Thanks folks! I have good old regular socks too and those are fine for regular old running and anything else really.

But, the Darn Toughs are great for general purpose everyday, not just for DCOIC. I enjoy long hikes (moreso than long walks on the beach in fact). These socks are the best money can buy and make such hikes even more enjoyable. So it would be ideal for use them for everything.

Also as an engineer, nuking things like Duke Nukem becomes a necessary habit. :cool:


I've come across a fair number of SWOs who have done a tour with DESRON 60. Frankly they did not shut up boasting about all the world-famous tourist destinations they got to go to that no one else from their hometowns have ever been to, even far inland land-locked places like Prague. Initially, it sounded about as good as a deal as you can get in the military? But they also didn't shut up about how miserable SWO life was even cruising around the Mediterranean/Europe, so maybe not so good at least as a SWO.

DESRON 60/CTF-65 is a good deal, but you likely won't end up there. You're probably going to end up in the N2 shop with all of the other intel bubbas. They are always short-handed for some reason. There are also a couple of other billets and opportunities at Sixth Fleet that are off the beaten path. I'm not sure exactly what they do, but they always came to work in suits and traveled a lot.

You will be playing zero SWO games during your career unless you end up stationed on an amphib or small boy as the IWO or whatever they're calling them nowadays. Intel/IP/IW/METOC officers are too valuable a commodity for that. That's not to say that you won't work with some shitty people, though. But that's any job.


DD-214 in hand and I'm gonna party like it's 1998
But... that beard!!

If he tries to wear an oxygen mask/breathing apparatus with that beard then... then... everyone will find out that the beard-facemask seal thing is mostly a bunch of B.S.!


DD-214 in hand and I'm gonna party like it's 1998
He can tread water for 10 20 hours with those 20 40 lb steel plate dog tags around his neck.
Fixed it.
