I used an electric razor my entire time at OCS. You're ALWAYS going to be in a mad fucking rush in the head with 40 other dudes fighting for the mirror. Bleeding on your uniform SUCKS, and at some point, you'll be careless and slice your chin or your ear or something. Take an electric. If electrics bother your face, do some homework and get the right one... chances are if you've used an electric before and didn't like it, it's because you cheaped out or bought one that just doesn't like your face. I use a Mach3 now, but on the road or anywhere I absolutely can't afford to fuck up and nick myself, I use an electric. WHENEVER I have to wear my whites, I use an electric. It sits on the counter right next to my Mach3 in the on-deck circle... use it about once a month. NO, I'm not clumsy, but why take the chance. You will be required to be clean-shaven all day long... so if you're a 5 o'clock shadow (ie, 1700 shadow) kind of guy, finding time to hit the head and shave again is going to be tough... 15 seconds with an electric and you're good to go.
ALSO, I don't know how cel-phone rules are nowadays at OCS, but be damned sure that wherever you're going to store it, either in your car or seabag or wherever, that you remove the battery. I'd buy an extra battery and have it charged up just in case... no telling when you're gonna get a free 10 minutes or whatever and as luck would have it, your shit drained sitting in your bag.