So here's my list of what I have packed:
7 white crew shirts
7 white gold toe crew socks
5 fox river black boot socks
3 Navy blue crew shirts
7 White boxer briefs
1 White shower towel
Civvy outfit for check in and flight home after
Shampoo 2-in-1 and body wash
Shaving supplies
Toothbrush/toothpaste/mouth wash
Running shoes
Running shoes for RLP (never worn)
Spray Starch
Blue Painters tape
Wallet and $300 cash
Cell phone/charger
Timex Ironman Watch
All medical/ID/Vax records/orders/voided check
Heard spray starch/tape helps for RLP if you can use them. Figured why not, if cant/dont need them pretty cheap anyways. Am I missing anything or need more of anything?
Are Navy Blue crew shirts needed? I thought they were issued along with all the other stuff we're required to buy? Also does anyone have recommendation for running shoes? I've been using Nike Free Runs for the past 3 years. However, I was told they are considered minimalist shoes (which aren't allowed) so I'm looking to get something else. Any input is appreciated.