Amongst the talk of the differences in the two ways of doing the tail hook pipeline, one major thing I heard an IP mention was that “it’s better to have Tailhook IPs determine who’s better suited for the different tailhook communities than Primary IPs. Like ‘Oh, this guy crushed FCLPs but was meh in forms, let’s send him E2s”When I went through, we were in the first few TH from primary classes. The way it seemed to work was everyone did intermediate, then grades fell as they would, and a few people got selected to go E2/C2. Specifically, if you got to go to the ONAV brief (the first event of advanced) you officially weren't going E2/C2. If you didn't, and you probably already knew, you were going VFR direct to FCLPs and then the boat......and then T-44's. More to the point, the trip to the boat happened after intermediate in either case......very quickly if ID'd for props, and towards the end of advanced if going jets/strike.
I was always curious to see what those in the fleet thought about that idea. If it was mostly true, or just snark between communities.