I'm not sure how Pags can censor anyone since he can't delete posts.
Regardless, HeyJoe waged a pretty large campaign back in the day (I'd argue for good reason) about not just link bombing a thread, and it's been a thing for some time. In fact, it's even mentioned in the AW SOP that John put up
Second, do not post a link, and ask “What does everyone think?”. That does not contribute anything to a decent thread discussion. Take the time to pose a question, or what originally got YOU interested in the article.
Pags asked a fair question.
I get it, you're not a fan of a couple of the mods here. I've said it before, and I think it was when you were still a mod, I understand why some don't appreciate Brett's delivery. In the last year or two, sometimes both sides get overly-aggressive with posts just to stand their ground. But in this case, a non-mod asked a fair question, a mod asked the same question in keeping with the SOP.
Can we move on and actually discuss the tweet?