I don't get the sitreps. I get the PCRs. You would be amazed how many commands don't know that there is a difference, and that sometimes you (they) have to do both messages.
Said by a Sub CO 2 months ago after one of his sailors died: "What do you mean I have do issue a casualty report! I cut a unit sitrep, can't you just copy and paste that?"
"Uh, no. Not unless you don't want the sailors wife and kids to get his SGLI and death gratuity I can't."
You get to have fun with the mid who did a Nate Newton impression on the border. I get stuck with the guys who actually try to smoke 150 pounds of weed in a weekend. And yes, you do still get SGLI if you kill yourself with drugs. There is a long standing myth that your family won't get paid if you commit suicide. The more common one is that you won't get SGLI if you die in a car accident w/o your seat belt or a motorcycle accident w/o helmet, vest, etc. All myths. You croak, your folks get paid.
Said by a Sub CO 2 months ago after one of his sailors died: "What do you mean I have do issue a casualty report! I cut a unit sitrep, can't you just copy and paste that?"
"Uh, no. Not unless you don't want the sailors wife and kids to get his SGLI and death gratuity I can't."
You get to have fun with the mid who did a Nate Newton impression on the border. I get stuck with the guys who actually try to smoke 150 pounds of weed in a weekend. And yes, you do still get SGLI if you kill yourself with drugs. There is a long standing myth that your family won't get paid if you commit suicide. The more common one is that you won't get SGLI if you die in a car accident w/o your seat belt or a motorcycle accident w/o helmet, vest, etc. All myths. You croak, your folks get paid.