To the original post in this thread, you can ask when you get there, but be ready for them to say no. You are a nov report, with an API date to follow once you get checked in. You are an SNA, so you are not going to be waiting as long to start as the NFO students. The new fiscal year will have started, and your timing makes you a summer production bubba, which is the ramp up time. The numbers will be hard to mess with as they will be trying to use the summer to make money on their production. The Navy may not want to pay you to sit around extra weeks when they could have you started and in the pipeline right away. Having been the Stucon officer for quite a while, I can tell you that one of the most frustrating things to have to deal with is working the training schedule around someone that had their orders first and then tried to work their training around a trip that was planned after the fact. If you do decide to try and request a delay in your training start, the penguin has it right. If it works out for you, great, and be prepared to deal with the fact that you have used your one silver bullet. From the time that you start class, the production gods have your winging date projected and slated, and it is not as easy as it sounds to shift those production markers around. Good luck.