What really is your goal?
DISCLAIMER: NOT INTENDED AS A FLAME POST, BUT AS A WAKEUP CALL (and no, I don't know why I am taking the time).
Integer1 said:
Thank you for the kind words.
You're welcome, once again, best of luck.
Integer1 said:
This is kind of like real life where the weak jump on the strong.
If that's your belief, god help you if Gunny ever gets his hands on you.
Integer1 said:
I have had a back up plan all along.
Dying to hear it, most of your comments have involved you lamenting (see, I didn't use the word "whine"), that you failed on your third selection attempt. Seriously, repeating for positive effect, as others have stated across numerous threads, there are other routes to becoming an Officer... But, honestly, what truly is your goal?
Integer1 said:
Another is to apply to a ROTC school in a few years.
Good plan. But be careful of your age, and any limitations that may impose on you with respect to a future commission.
Integer1 said:
But, this post shouldn't be about me. I was giving encouragement to usunkmybship.
But, EVERY post does become about YOU and your problems gaining entry into the hallowed halls of the USNA.
Integer1 said:
I thought the whole reason you added 10 moderators to the Naval Academy forum was because of that long thread here about different commissioning sources, and people would jump at mids about how the USNA is good/bad.
Supermoderators maybe, and me as Admin, but there isn't a single person listed as a mod for this forum. But, some inside info here, just between you and me,
THERE ARE A BUNCH OF RING KNOCKERS ON THIS SITE, both at the school and friends of mine out in the Fleet. I bet if a forum poll was taken, asking USNA Alumni to review your posts, and vote on your admission, you wouldn't like the results.
Integer1 said:
you should not even allow the words "ROTC" in here.
So, by your logic, USNA or nothing... Wait, YOU mentioned ROTC in here, huh? Some "new age voodoo" language or something?
Integer1 said:
Next, so what if I say something positive to somebody at NAPS to try to motivate them. Do you really have to jump in and criticize it if you disagree with it? I really do believe in usunk, and any time somebody writes something like she wrote, you know, they may or may not realize that people do hear them and want them to succeed. And I do want her to succeed.
You got me on that one, nowhere in my post did I mention Usunk, my attention was focused on your threadjack.
[threadjack]Usunk, and Phantomhawk, I apologize for the threadjack. Usunk, sounds like you are on track, hope the testing goes well, and you succeed at NAPS.[/threadjack]
Integer1 said:
In fact, your comment was out-of-place. You know, if your mods didn't lock threads they shouldn't have, you could have posted that comment in the appropriate thread. But now, this is in the incorrect thread because it's the only one open. That's ridiculous.
No, young pre-pre-appointee-times-3, I felt that where PMs have failed a direct post would be more beneficial.
Integer1 said:
This is the same pattern repeating again here. USNA rejects can't handle the fact that I am a USNA reject and I still praise the USNA.
Glad to hear that I am a "reject" for the USNA (btw, I got offered Merchant Marine Academy as a consolation prize, and was accepted to Georgetown too, I decided I wasn't mature enough for college, and joined as a boot seaman instead.... 15 years later, still think I made the right choice, but enough about me). You are referring to a single thread that got heated about USNA vs. NROTC as the merits of both went back and forth. There isn't a "mass conspiracy" of winged and student aviators with nothing better to do than "bash" a would-be USNA aspirant.
Integer1 said:
It is very easy for anybody to jump down someone's throat about their dreams, so the USNA forums should be about the USNA and not about ROTC or BCDP. When mids go to forums like this from one of the hardest colleges in the world, they obviously would like to hear positives and not the negatives..... for REAL information. 40 year old men who got rejected and have nothing helpful to say, shouldn't even post in these forums. What do they have to do with the USNA?
Seriously (I'll leave the 40 year old comment for later

), you are quite mistaken, any Naval or Marine Corps Officer, regardless of what commissioning source they came from, is well versed enough to provide insight in this forum (and many have stepped in).
Also, by that logic: I guess when I was a "nub" wet-behind the ears E2, with big dreams, I should have told that MASTER CHIEF to go shove it, he didn't know anything anyways.... good thing I wasn't that thick headed, then again, different Navy, he would have taken me out back and slapped some sense into me, but I digress.
Integer1 said:
When I dumb down my posts, people complain.
And this is considered intelligent?
Integer1 said:
not the people like I am who post about their USNA experience (that's less than 12 hours old, so it's not like it's old)
What experience? Filling out applications?
Integer1 said:
I think people have a 1) beef with USNA
Re-read the posts, you have many non USNA alumni wishing congrats and encouragement for those deciding to go that route. In the end, its all for the same goal, to become an Officer.
Integer1 said:
and 2) think USNA applicants and graduates are cocky and arrogant
God, I HOPE they are cocky and arrogant, I sure wouldn't want to call my friends anything less. Now, when they aren't, and acting like pansies at a wardroom party, it's time to shove another beer down their throats, but I digress.
Integer1 said:
and that 3) this means that I am like this.
What, the mantra and mystique have rubbed off on you through OSMOSIS?
Integer1 said:
I would like to apologize if I sounded 'cocky' and it offended you.
I would like to hear you grow a pair, and sound cocky and arrogant, establish a path and goals ahead of you, succeed in them, instead of bemoaning past failures. Type "A" personalities need only apply...
Integer1 said:
You guys don't realize how immature you sound pulling stuff out of your butt that is basically grouping everybody my age into one
First hand knowledge from other posters? Real world experience in the Navy and Marine Corps? Get a clue, we aren't grouping everyone in your age group, they passed muster, we are focusing our attention on YOU. Just like that wonderful day when Gunny gets his hands on you.
Integer1 said:
I've been through a lot more than most of you have been through.
Doubtful, but I will keep an open mind.
Ok, the following quote is out of order, but of all the others, it finally gets to the heart of the matter:
Integer1 said:
Stop telling me how I sound.
You need to print out all your posts, hand them to a friend, drink a beer, and have them read to you. All of the members here (alot of them with many more hours, and years in, than my 32 (don't make me any grayer than I already am!

)) want to see each other succeed. Whether it is selection, advice for TBS, landing quals at the boat, or the warpig 2P board, there is pervasive encouragement and an advice network going on around you. Now, the heart of the matter, I agree, it takes a lot to "throw yourself" out there on a forum, admit your failures and your successes, and seek advice. But, when you continually disregard or openly slap back at the advice given (from many knowledgable sources), you end up sounding very immature and as you kept going on, like a broken record (see, I didn't use the word "whining").
Being in your shoes is irrelevant, and mine are too big for you anyways. When a blue shirt comes across a commissioned Officer, they don't think twice about who you are, where you have come from, and what it took you to get there. BDCP, NROTC, OCS, LDO or "Ring Knocker" from the Academy are all transparent. You are their leader, if you are fortunate enough, you will earn their respect and you will make yourself worthy of it. NOWHERE in any of your posts have I heard anything about your desire to be an Officer, and take on the responsibilities inherent in that position. USNA is not a means to an end, its a hurdle on the way to your goal(s).
Best of luck.