Realize the word 'qualified' is only as good as the standards you meet from the beginning. I met all of them besides the medical which if you read my yes, lengthy post, you'd see I was DQ'd because of letters from a NP. NOT a MD or DO. BUMED said themselves that it doesn't qualify for a closed case. However, I was told by my OSO to get the further needed forms/docs from Doctors and they would push for a waiver. This didn't end up being the case after I did what I was asked. They were mad because I did my homework and went above them to figure it out. I already realize what your most likely thinking. "You went above your OSO which you shouldn't have". Well, just to clear that up, I was instructed to do that by many Marine officers that outrank anyone at my local OSO. I live next to Williams Gateway where Marine aviators come in all the time. I've had the chance to sit with Pilots/NFO's from many squadrons (Sharpshooters, Green Knights, Nightmares, etc). All of them said to not stop with my situation. One of them went through a similar situation as mine and didn't see any results till he did some leg work himself. He ended up having to just find a good recruiter that didn't mind pushing a fax or two. This is what I'm going to end up doing. So far I've spoken with a few great recruiters from a handful of OSO's that are willing to help me. The issue with my local recruitment is I did was I was told not to. I fessed up and told the truth. Because I did this the Captain in charge told the new Captain to not help me because "I don't have the character of a Marine". This to me was a shocker and had me questioning if I even want be a part of something that expects me to abandon my morals to get ahead in life. I realize this isn't the case with all Marines and it's why I still want to push today. Please do not take this out of context.
Sounds like you know my OSO staff from experience. If you have had good experiences with them so far, good for you. I hope your career works out and that your dreams come true. As for me, PHX OSO wasn't in my cards.
Please realize you weren't in my shoes through out this on going 2 year process. When you are sat down in a office behind closed doors and told to practice lying so you will pass at MEPS, you will know what I'm talking about. I realize they were looking out for me to help me become a Marine, but the way they asked me to do it is against my personal standards. To another this may not be a issue, but for me, it is. I am completely aware of the multiple dreamers like myself, that desire to be Marine officers, most of whom require nothing to get checked off by the board and be sent to OCS. The current Captain had no problem telling me he's just to lazy to push my stuff for a waiver because theirs plenty other "qualified" people. When I asked what makes them "qualified", he said, this conversation is over.
My current experience with said Captain was NOT intended or planned. I was simply seeing if the OSO leadership had changed and ended up meeting said Captain face to face. To clear up any other possible confusion, I'm not sure of which Gunny's you are talking about. I have worked with FOUR from the start. Only one of them was part of the lying process. The other Gunny's have been nothing but sharp upstanding guys.
Thanks for your 2 though.