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WAR in GAZA???


Hey!!! Has anyone heard that there's a real shootin' war going on in Gaza?? :eek:

I guess not ... I suppose with "bikini-clad flight attendants", Kevin Bacon, and BDCP threads taking up all your time ... there's just nothing left ... ???


Yeah I heard about that.... Pretty sure its been going on for centuries, with different people and names of places...

But bikini flight attendants!!! Thats new and fresh!!!

...And who can resist listening to the BDCPers trying to figure out how to spend all their hard earned cash!

Yes I'm fully prepared to be flamed :D


Well-Known Member
People blowing stuff up.... In the Middle East?.... Are there any dead American Servicemen we can report about?.... No?..... Ok then its not news.

For the Record I really dont give a damn about the world opinion and I dont think the Israelis should either. And the "legitimate government" in Gaza acting like they dont know whats going on just in my opinion justifys the whole thing. Thats the same kind of crap I used to deal with as a cop, you know the guy next door stabbed the guy but you dont want to snitch. The only difference is I cant get fed up with the situation and pump a dozen Hellfires into your building allowing the problem to solve its self, they can. Good on them for finally taking care of a problem the rest of the world would just as soon as ignore. Funny how the UN doesnt want to step in till somebody with a 40 million dollar aircraft and Precision guided munitions starts killing people who lob unguided weapons in to civilian centers.


Jobu needs a refill!
One wonders what the reaction would be if a US city was taking indiscriminate rocket fire on a daily basis...


Solidly part of the 42%.
There is a lack of interest from the American public because there is so much backstory it's like trying to start watching "Lost" midseason. It's like the genocide in Rwanda that I just really started to learn about recently; nobody we know is there, and nobody knows how it got like that so it gets ignored until something truly "oh shit" moment happens.

And don't count on the sackless UN to do a damn thing.


Registered User
And don't count on the sackless UN to do a damn thing.


You just don't understand the lasting effects that stern diplomacy. ;)

Oh, and they are not "sackless". They have "sacks" of our money that they use as their operating budget, not to mention all of their Swiss bank accounts full of "Oil For Food" loot.


Well-Known Member
Let's concentrate on the GOOD things this war has brought about...namely the fact that this thread in combination with google ads has presented me with an outstanding opportunity to "Learn Hebrew Online With Israel's best teachers."


Solidly part of the 42%.
Let's concentrate on the GOOD things this war has brought about...namely the fact that this thread in combination with google ads has presented me with an outstanding opportunity to "Learn Hebrew Online With Israel's best teachers."

Throw down some dime and you won't have to look at ads...cheap-o.


Working Plan B
Hey!!! Has anyone heard that there's a real shootin' war going on in Gaza?? :eek:

Does anyone care??? Personally (anecdotally, not that anyone cares about me either:)) I stopped paying care-full attention to that whole thing years ago.

It's going to be an interesing day when everyone who lived at the time of the Holocaust is dead.


Well-Known Member
One wonders what the reaction would be if a US city was taking indiscriminate rocket fire on a daily basis...

Yeah, firing indiscriminate high explosives into areas with women and children who are operating a civilized succesful society and no worries. But drop a JDAM on some people with Rags on their heads who are firing those rockets and suddenly your the bain of the world community.


One wonders what the reaction would be if a US city was taking indiscriminate rocket fire on a daily basis...

Sometimes I almost wish for an invasion...not the random chicken $hit terrorist stuff, but the "barbarians have invaded the coastline" a la-Sid-Meyer's-Civilization invasion...you know...something to remind the 99.5% of the US (1.5 million servicemen /300 million Americans) that isn't active duty what we are doing this for...but that wouldn't be cool either. I have a feeling the barbarians would do well if they landed on the west coast or New England area. Wouldn't fare so well anywhere else...anywho, fun to think about sometimes.

So you barbarian hordes out there...don't get any ideas.


it’s just malfeasance for malfeasance’s sake
Thanks for starting this thread. I hadn't seen the bikini-clad flight attendants thread yet, and I appreciate the heads up. ;)


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I almost wish for an invasion...not the random chicken $hit terrorist stuff, but the "barbarians have invaded the coastline" a la-Sid-Meyer's-Civilization invasion...you know...something to remind the 99.5% of the US (1.5 million servicemen /300 million Americans) that isn't active duty what we are doing this for...but that wouldn't be cool either. I have a feeling the barbarians would do well if they landed on the west coast or New England area. Wouldn't fare so well anywhere else...anywho, fun to think about sometimes.

So you barbarian hordes out there...don't get any ideas.



Registered User
What???? You mean to tell me there is something going on that the news media has missed? Dammmmmmm they are falling down on the job.
I often think of how nice it would be to take these overpaid clowns with their self important positions and thrust them into the same shitholes with the military and let them decide to carry a gun or go out and do the Koombayyah with the people who are determined to take over the world at any cost.
Half of them can't pronounce the names of the places they talk about as tho they have a degree of expertise and I don't think 5 in the entire freakin industry can talk without a teleprompter to help them out. It's all about image and ratings.
There is no news anymore .... it gets lumped into entertainment except for the local news people and they are waiting and hoping to make it into the big time where they too can be paid big money to look and sound good on TV and be "somebody".
So often I was asked to chat with groups of tourists overseas and they were eager to hear the real story and not what the tour group passed along as gospel. I like to think I made a difference in their look at life overseas and how it is portrayed by the media.
I have many current contacts around the world who feed me regular input from their regions and it seldom is in sync with what you see in the news at 9. There are wars going on in the world that have been going on for thousands of years and they will continue in the name of religion or tribal law, and I suspect they will go on for as long as mankind exists.
What the hell, I am a pacifist anyway. As I've said before, I have the skills and ability to enforce that right to be a pacifist.
Semper Fi


go blue...
I don't think it's really making the news anymore for a couple of reasons.

1) As said, CNN/NBC et al is having a hard time marketing the story as Marines aren't killing little Palestinian babies and it doesn't really portray America as imperialists (Bite me, Anderson Cooper!).

2) A lot of people thought this might be the powder keg that kicked off a large scale war. It could have been the first step that initiated a series of very catastrophic events. What if Iran actually took direct action against Israel? What if Egypt/Lebanon/Syria felt the tension among their borders and took sides? What if the millions of Islamists heeded the call of the Ayatollah and started massacring Jews in the streets of Anytown?

The war had a climatic beginning because of a number of things that could have happened in which none of them did. In it's inception it could have involved a number of nations, but when everything settled, it didn't. Add that Israel is fighting a good war, aka, they're not pussyfooting around, and it's a lopsided score, CNN would rather tell you EVERYTHING you need to know about the greatest inauguration ever.