I don't think it's really making the news anymore for a couple of reasons.
1) As said, CNN/NBC et al is having a hard time marketing the story as Marines aren't killing little Palestinian babies and it doesn't really portray America as imperialists (Bite me, Anderson Cooper!).
2) A lot of people thought this might be the powder keg that kicked off a large scale war. It could have been the first step that initiated a series of very catastrophic events. What if Iran actually took direct action against Israel? What if Egypt/Lebanon/Syria felt the tension among their borders and took sides? What if the millions of Islamists heeded the call of the Ayatollah and started massacring Jews in the streets of Anytown?
The war had a climatic beginning because of a number of things that could have happened in which none of them did. In it's inception it could have involved a number of nations, but when everything settled, it didn't. Add that Israel is fighting a good war, aka, they're not pussyfooting around, and it's a lopsided score, CNN would rather tell you EVERYTHING you need to know about the greatest inauguration ever.