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WAR in GAZA???


TailSpin--classic low level
All this war over religion. Why not just let the scientologists go over and start preaching their ideals and see where that leads??:D


Hey intern, get me a Campari!
Yeah, firing indiscriminate high explosives into areas with women and children who are operating a civilized succesful society and no worries. But drop a JDAM on some people with Rags on their heads who are firing those rockets and suddenly your the bain of the world community.

All the numbers coming out of there would indicate the situation is much more complicated and MUCH uglier than that. This conflict cannot be boiled down to "x side is right," in my opinion.


All the numbers coming out of there would indicate the situation is much more complicated and MUCH uglier than that. This conflict cannot be boiled down to "x side is right," in my opinion.
Either both sides are partially justified or neither side is justified.

Unfortunately, I see only two possible outcomes from this situation. Either this sort of on-again/off-again violence will continue until the end of time, or Israel will cease to exist. Palestinians have no hope for peace because they will never have genuine peace-seeking leaders. Imagine that your whole society is steeped in vengeance, destitution, and corruption, and it has been that way for generations. Couple that with the fact that the average life span is 40-something years old, and you will never, ever, ever resolve that situation. Now we here in the United States can understand having our entire political landscape be mired in corruption, but we are not poor or short-lived and we do not have many opportunities to seek revenge, so we don't have that problem. One side will be annihilated (Israel is the only likely option in that regard), or the fighting will continue in different ways for eternity.

Sad but true.


Brett327 gargles ballsacks
One side will be annihilated (Israel is the only likely option in that regard).

There's a reason the Israelis usually win their wars. It's a little phrase called "never again."

I'd think twice before betting against them, as they've spanked most of the Arab nations dumb enough to make formal war against them, even all at once. We didn't let them go down the tubes when we could have then, and I don't foresee us ever letting that happen anytime in the future either. This nickel and dime stuff will go on forever, but that's not exactly annihilation for the Israelis.


Well-Known Member
All the numbers coming out of there would indicate the situation is much more complicated and MUCH uglier than that. This conflict cannot be boiled down to "x side is right," in my opinion.

Well, since one side has consistently proclaimed it's goal to eradicate the other side (with a recent history to prove it's intentions), it's pretty hard to agree with your statement.


Working Plan B
Well, since one side has consistently proclaimed it's goal to eradicate the other side (with a recent history to prove it's intentions), it's pretty hard to agree with your statement.


The Palestinians (to include Arab Israelis as well as those ignorant poor bastards who live in Gaza and the West Bank) aren't one giant cyborg (unfortunately, as it would simplify things) with monolithic intent.


"I believe in ammunition"
Question: Why hasn't Israel occupied the entire Gaza Strip by now? Seems like an exercise in extreme restraint to me.


Crusty Shellback
Question: Why hasn't Israel occupied the entire Gaza Strip by now? Seems like an exercise in extreme restraint to me.

Google Earth Gaza and you will see. A lot of the populated areas in the Middle East are jam packed and very cavernous.

Driving a tank through those streets with all those bottlenecks is probably very hazardous. A group of Palestinians with RPG's hiding in apartments while a column navigates through the streets can ruin the Israeli's day.

Also keep in mind the Israeli peasants, area's of historical significance (Religious monuments) and you can see why they have to tread lightly.


Working Plan B
Question: Why hasn't Israel occupied the entire Gaza Strip by now? Seems like an exercise in extreme restraint to me.

Because they "can't." Well... won't. Honestly, if they were willing to commit to a kind of wholesale systematic room-clearing of the place, there might be some credence to their "disproportionate response" methodology. Total War only works when you actually use it. They kill just enough people to keep Arabs and Persians pissed off / good rest of the majority of the world extremely fucking annoyed, but not enough to send anything but a mottled message.

Burden of proof WRT collateral falls on the guys with the tech. Don't like it? Move to Mars, or ignore the opinion of the rest of the world. As long as Israelis continue to kill (or appear to kill, depending on whom you talk to) boatloads of civilians in these incursions, they are going to continue to piss off a lot more people than it is a good idea to piss off.

Arab Israelis are rapidly out-populating Jewish Israelis. "Never again," has fostered a non-sustainable cultural mindset. The state of Israel was dealing with toddlers, and completely ignored even the possibility of carrots in lieu of the stick. I think it could turn out very very poorly in the end for the Jews. I hope it does not.

/verging on, if not completely talking out of my ass


Well-Known Member

The Palestinians (to include Arab Israelis as well as those ignorant poor bastards who live in Gaza and the West Bank) aren't one giant cyborg (unfortunately, as it would simplify things) with monolithic intent.

They are educated in schools that don't show the nation of Israel on the maps. Their religious leadership and much of their political leadership, as well as the state-run media organizations, proclaim the hatred of the Jews, the desire for the annihilation of Israel, and the glorification of those who kill Jews.


So if you are Israel, how do you take the fight to an enemy that finds it acceptable to fight in the manner depicted on the left?



I disagree that Israel couldn't take over Gaza in a day or two, because they were lightning fast during the Six Day War. Israel is using the only card it can really use, and that is to be as completely cautious as possible while prosecuting the war against rocket barrages. To do any more would invalidate its actions in the minds of the precious few who support them, and to do nothing is politically untenable to the government of Israel, I suspect.

The only hope is to continually and repeatedly discredit Hamas, and the YouTube videos of them bombing mosques goes a long way to help discredit Hamas (due to the large secondary explosions).