First, where in my post I attack you? That said, you need to understand that you aren’t applying logic, you are responding with emotion. I get it, you don’t like the disproportionately of war, but that is what it all about - and yes - every war in human history is the same.Considering we haven't actually discussed ROE or anything to do with what you're bringing into the conversation, and you are way out of your depth, I'll choose to pass. As for your second sentence, I never said civilian casualties aren't an acceptable part of war, or anything close to that. Try reading what I said again. Think I need to follow other's leads and just block all the non-aviators who troll here.
Well, you had 1 good post, Griz, and I thought we were going to be able to have a civil debate, and now you're following it up with a bunch of ad hominem attacks on me (in it for the fight, not the logic, calling me immature, etc.) I think if you read my post, every argument I made is based in logic. I asked you a lot of questions to challenge your logic, and you answered none of them. But sure, I'll go through your post and again, defeat your arguments with logic.
Wars are not equal, Griz, and the CoG is not always the same. In your first example, WW2, it was absolutely about hardware. Human morale was important, but it was the German manufacturing and equipment that was winning them the war until our superior manufacturing turned it in our favor. You not understanding that does not inspire confidence in the rest, but lets continue. You state that Hamas is growing more unpopular since the war started... Do you have evidence of that? The article I posted was based on a poll before the war started. To the contrary, there is much evidence that the Palestinian cause more broadly has gained a lot of popularity since the war started. For evidence, see the recent articles I posted regarding increasing support in the UN, POTUS' recent comments, SECDEF's recent comments, etc.
This is a complete straw man argument. I never said Israel could fight this war without civilian casualties, or any warring power could. I said Israel is conducting the war immorally with excessive and unnecessary civilian casualties, and many months ago I referenced proportionality in that argument, and I still stand by that. Leveling a 6 story apartment complex in a refugee camp that you recently told civilians to flee TO, for the military purpose of killing 1 room of terrorists, is not proportional in my opinion. You are free to disagree with that opinion, but clearly much of the world agrees, and that is the more important point: Israel is hurting themselves by their "indiscriminate bombing", to quote POTUS.
I've considered Orwell's musings you pointed out, and I find the execution of how it would have to be carried out absolutely abhorrent. As does the world, in general, by the way, which is why that type of warfare is "illegal". You never answered any of my questions. Maybe you should "try thinking deeper". Is it ok for soldiers to go about the streets killing women, children, the elderly, the mentally handicapped, the mentally unwell, etc. (hope I didn't leave anyone out, but I'm sure you'll let me know)? Do you think intentionally killing tens of thousands of non-combatants for the sake of "terror killing" will actually shorten a war that is for the hearts and minds, or do you think it will only create so many more future terrorists and turn world opinion against Israel? I cannot believe I'm even engaging in an argument with someone who is proposing we murder tens of thousands in "terror killings" (your words).
Another straw man argument. I never said we could only kill 3000 enemy because that's what we lost. Wtf are you talking about?
Listen, I'm tired of defending shit I didn't say from people here. If you want to debate me with logic... great! Argue against the logic I'm actually using. Don't just use logical fallacy after logical fallacy, while calling me the immature one (another logical fallacy). Let’s either have a grown up debate, or let's not waste our time on here.
Second, I don’t think you actually read the Orwell article, or seriously though about what I actually wrote - and you simply must stop trying to use comparative morality in your argument - people have don’t have any control over what a soldier (or airman) does at war, people only have control at the end if they are the victors.
Third, I did not call you immature, I said your assertions were immature. That word is designed to imply that your academic skills, world view, and/or some other process haven’t developed enough to make a similar argument in a better way. There are certain topics where I have immature ideas (assertions) because I lack the experience to know better - and yes I have made such assertions here on AW. If I thought you were being childish I would have called you a child (that’s the nice me) or an ass, or idiot - all words I’ve used somewhere on AW.
Lastly, and this might sting a bit, you really need to learn what a straw-man argument actually is. You decry the deaths of civilians to kill a single terrorist but then wonder why someone might use the 9/11 (a recent enough event) death toll as a measure to ask how many people a nation does get to kill to destroy those who attacked in the first place.
But, just so we are perfectly clear, there is no morality in war. On side can kill 3000 civilians with a handful of Hellfires while another needs two airliners to do the same - in the end the dead are all equally…dead. How they got there isn’t all that important. Here’s a small thought exercise for you (no need to respond, just consider it). What is the bedrock of your morality (when at war)? In other words, where does it come from, what is its genesis?