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Welcome Aboard to rondebmar


Ron "Banty" Marron
So when do we hear about Algeria?

/ did we scare the guy off for good?

NO!! Good grief, I'm here to stay. :p Have been very busy lately...answering welcoming PM's, and emails...for which I'm very grateful!!

I just this minute found this thread...and very glad I did, so I can join up with you guys. I'm kind of new to PC's...and only a fast two-fingered "hunt & pecker" (watch it, there!) Been very active in the past on a '"Photo" website, and currently a pretty active poster on Florida Sportsman Magazine Fishing & Boating Forum...particularly the threads re FL Keys, Boating, & Safety...but the AW site is the most difficult of all...gonna take a while to find my way around...have posted a bit on the A4 sticky thread...forgot the title already!

Getting late...want to thank you all again...got some pretty good stories...some humerous, some sad, some frightening...I know I'm going to be active here...and enjoy it very much!!

Posting a quick post tomorow, then need a few days off to catch up...lot of (good) stuff on the plate...will mention Algeria tomorrow...

It's off to the corner now, where I'll drool for awhile...then Debbie will tuck me in! Night...:sleep_125


Shut up woman... get on my horse.
fast two-fingered "hunt & pecker" (watch it, there!) Been very active in the past on a '"Photo" website, a

Between the 'pecker' comment and the "Photo" being in quotes... I'm starting to wonder what line of work you are in now.:D


Ron "Banty" Marron
DAMN IT!!:icon_rage

Every time I open a new window in browser, I lose my open post/reply here...just lost a long one, so will begin again...and touch nothing, so it doesn't get wiped out...GRRR!!!

Forgot to thank AW site owner/administrator, who started this thread, and "piped me aboard"...Thank you, Sir...appreciate it!! To continue...

Got to begin playing catch up...

Our happy little home here is in great disarray...a disaster area, if you will. I do all the housework...lovely wife Debbie is severely (physically) compromised, account benign brain tumor removal many years ago in CA, before I even met her...severe ataxia left side (little use of left leg, arm, hand)...balance issues...vision issues (now seem fixed). Exercizing care, she can drive (daytime only), do the shopping, hanging onto cart, etc...but the major household cleaning tasks are mine...and a/c answering PM's & emails, posting here on AW, etc...am way behind...

We're both volunteers here:


I'm an administrator there, handle the photo page, among other things...am way, way behind with them, gotta catch up...

I do some volunteer work at our small church in Marathon...run the sound room, tape the sermon, then TX to a CD, and deliver to the local AM radio station for broadcast (30 miles round trip)...got to deliver one this AM...

Am trying to make plans to attend the Museum Symposium early next month (OK, in May)...we went to the one in 2002...I know we'll see HJ there...maybe several of you others???

Am working hard to arrange a visit to NAS Boca Chica next week (a short notice thing)...will visit the "Sundowners" there...don't even know the squadron designation, and am afraid to leave this post to look it up:(...

We have a new pc...a Dell...delivered a week or so ago...so far, have swapped out the monitor & keyboard...hopefully today will swap out the "tower"...will be going with Vista O/S, vice the Windows XP we're on now...might take a while to get familiar with that...Debbie's busy TXing all info from old hard drive, preparing to load up the new one...

So, for a short while, will devote somewhat minimal time to AW...or anything else...'til I get "unswamped":D...OK?? Will check in from time to time...

BTW...Thanks to HJ for the avatar posting...in time, I'll swap it out for another...with a sig, and all...

Banty out.


Well-Known Member
Yes, welcome aboard, Banty. I’m looking forward to your posts about the old days, which were my days (BTW).:)

Thanks, I did get your PM. (Not sure what went wrong with your first attempt. But, John does run a tight ship here. Ask for help if you need some.) I can’t say I remember the two planes from your squadron lost at sea. But then I was a bit preoccupied while I was stationed at JAX. I was busy at AO”A” school and I also had to tend to my teenage hormones (Cinderella liberty sucked). But then you knew that, you were on a “Kiddy Cruise.”:)

45 was already at Cecil during my tour. They were flying TF-9J’s then. They did have two T-28’s and an old EA-1 (bummed rides all the time). 44 (my squadron) was the east coast A-4 RAG. 174 (F-8/A-7 RAG) was next door as well in hangar 67. 174 started out as an F-8 squadron then transitioned to the A-7 while I was there. Man… those Crusaders going into AB, what a thrill. Those planes were fun to watch from the pits.:)

Anyway, good to see you here! And don’t pay any attention to what Flugelman has to say.:D
