Also, I am living proof that if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything!
I don't know, they're saying being a homo is genetic now.
Also, I am living proof that if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything!
First off, I would like to congradulate you on realizing that your grades are important and vital to your future.
75% of my classmates do not know how to find the perimeter of a square if oneside is 4.
Second: It sounds like you are in a pretty tough situation. 1) You have 2 years to catch up with 4 years of highschool. Now some of the pilots are saying they made it with mediocre grades and thats fine, but the important thing in my mind is to have a BACKUP PLAN,that way if the Navy says they do not like the shape of your ears so they will not let you fly, you will not be stuck icing cakes at the local bakier(i.e if I am rejected as a pilot I plan to be an aerospace engineer/work for boeing etc). I do not know what your school system offers in terms of honors and AP chorses so I can't really comment on those, but if you can get into some of these they will help tremendously when applying to colleges. I would reccomend trying to go to summerschool as much as it might suck it, will be worth it. No, the Navy does not lok at your highschool grades(at least I think they don't) but colleges do look at them, and if you fail to become a naval aviator for some reason you wont be stuck doing something you do not want to do for a living.Therefore make sure you do good on the SAT's(get summerschool help if possible). Goodluck and work your ass off, it will pay out in the future(most likely).I have read To be a US naval aviator.Good book, explains the path to becoming one but fst you need to accomplish the immediate goal of getting good grades. I also reccomend Stick and Rudder, it explains a lot of shit about flight. Go Rangers. Lundqvist rules.
P.S.-Dont say you don't like the F-35. Worship the thing.
...make sure you do good on the SAT's...
You can fly fighters with a ~2.5 GPA in high school and college. I'm living proof.
Your chances for ascension to the world's most elite fraternity will increase greatly if you purge this phrase from your vocabulary forever...Get 'er done!
Get 'er done!
Your chances for ascension to the world's most elite fraternity will increase greatly if you purge this phrase from your vocabulary forever... may already be too late.![]()
I'm posting here to inform everyone that, starting immediately, I am going to temporarily stop using the internet for awhile. As much as I like hanging around here, I feel that using the internet is only detracting from my goal of doing well in school. I receive my 3rd quarter report on April 7th. Expect to see me back on that date, and I will post my grades on here for all of you to see, good or bad. Goodbye and wish me luck.
I'm posting here to inform everyone that, starting immediately, I am going to temporarily stop using the internet for awhile. As much as I like hanging around here, I feel that using the internet is only detracting from my goal of doing well in school. I receive my 3rd quarter report on April 7th. Expect to see me back on that date, and I will post my grades on here for all of you to see, good or bad. Goodbye and wish me luck.
I feel that using the internet is only detracting from my goal of doing well in school.
Are you going to be the Master of your Domain?