Either I wasn't clear or you gleaned what you wanted from my observation on your tone. I wasn't asking for a license to bitch nor that folks shouldn't be told to STFU when they've "left the reservation".
Instead, I was suggesting 1) that I believe most folks give a shit and are actively seeking solutions and want to improve the institution and 2) that comments like "snap you back into reality" or something equally dismissive typify my interactions with most (not all!) senior leadership (at what point in our discussion did I need snapping back to reality? I understand the constraints of our system, I don't expect overnight change nor did I imply that I did. I suggested that leaders aren't as forthcoming as they could/should be if they want honest discourse given my experience).
I appreciate your time here and the experience you bring. However, if we don't know as much as we think we do (and we don't), but we're paying attention (as you suggested), maybe leadership isn't disseminating information as efficiently or effectively as they think.
If you feel I've overstepped with my tone or language, feel free to address it here or privately. My intent isn't to attack you personally, but highlight some things I've witnessed here and elsewhere that I believe are detrimental to the overall JO/Senior Officer dialogue. I'll admit, I've enjoyed speaking freely and would likely not have suggested to a senior officer I don't know to drop his "bullshit" in face to face conversation (I'm neither an internet nor real life tough guy, just trying to call it like I see it and provide a plebeian perspective on senior officer presentation that doesn't seem to make it to the upper echelon).