Reading this book, One Bullet Away by Nathaniel "Nat" Fick, I found out that officers of MOS 0302 in USMC may have some arrogance to aviation matters. Is that, thus, true that no officer grunts, once achieved 0302, can later change their MOS to 75xx? In the Navy, as I see, roughly a quarter of 1110s after their tour on a carrier, are tending to enter 13xx world by applying to elementary flying, and to see the Navy officer who is wearing his Wings in up breast position over the humble SWO badge is not unheard of (wonder is it possible to see otherwise just once). Can the 0302 Marine officer change his mind in favor of 75xx and how could it be appreciated by his Grunt brethren?
Again, from this book I know that Marine infantry guys believe in their field artillery rather than Marine Air, as guns can hit the targets when CAS airplanes cannot - say, during the sand storm. But sand storms are quite rare events in a few kinds of landscape, so is that wise to generally prefer gunnery practice over the proper Air?
And the last - US Marines are not so few but very proud, no doubts. And they laugh at Navy, while they are Naval service, too. Here in Russia, the ethos of Army Airborne Infantry (so-called "blue berets") is most coinciding with the US Marine Semper Fi one ("if you'd survive blue berets' training cource, then you'll survive your own death" - media is supporting this image for a long time: if you want to see the Russian variant of John Rambo, or Russian analogue of Colonel Nathan R. Jessup, or alike, you will inevitably see the Blue Beret dude, active or retired. "If our blue berets are peacekeepers, then peace is normal state of the Hell" ), but they never divide themselves from Army as a whole and are quite kindly in respect of airlift units of Air Force, who have the task to provide them with platforms for airdrops. Why US Marines behave so brutally, being depending from Navy so deeply?