Answers forthcoming:
-1. So you would consider going to a Christian university why again?
I already have my BA, my consideration would be for a Masters degree, in a place that is far less chaotic than Cal. And, although I don't label myself as a Christian, I have great respect/love for Christ.
-2. Would you agree that it is difficult to be exposed to different points of view in a "homgeneous" (your word) environment?
My word was homogenous. Your word does not exist. Seriously though, I am not looking to be challenged verbally in that way anymore. I went to more schools (private/exclusive) than just Cal and lived that experience. NPS is an attractive option as well.
-3. What was it about 9/11 again that made you decide to be conservative? I only ask because the even in many ways was apolitical. It seems an odd "watershed event" in your political maturation.
After 9/11, I became a one issue voter, and that issue was terrorism. Which party would keep our country safer? And that answer lay with the right. Disagree or not with them, we have not been attacked since 9/11. Working over at Meade, I get to see some of the benefits of a conservative administration. (Patriotic Act, FISA, etc.) Liberals want to dismantle these. I also have worked with many other agencies when I was deployed and got a feel for how those laws assist in fighting terrorism. I am not alone in seeing 9/11 as a political event. Go to conservative blogs, it is often viewed that way by others.
-4. What makes you think that political liberalism equates to difficulty in the military again? This kind of goes back to the above question. What does one's political view point have to do with their ability to give/obey/receive orders, let alone their ability to fly an airplane etc...
I am not a pilot/NFO, so I have little frame of reference in your world. I work with pilots, though, and look forward in my future to being part of a squadron. One's political orientation does not persay equal ability to conform to the military, but it has been my experience, that liberalism encourages rebellion and the questioning of authority. Both of these are fine in academia, and perhaps even desirable as absolute freedom of thought encourages scientific breakthroughs. But in the military, especially in cryptology/IW, the questioning of authority is not desirable at least at the entrance levels as a JO. Now, I highly respect classic liberalism. But the liberalism I experienced at Cal was almost like fascism. Few other viewpoints were tolerated. And white males were essentially labeled the cause of many problems world-wide. (I was being sarcastic about the galaxy part.) I have heard in liberal camps the idea that the military should be disbanded, that the military is the cause of our poor world-wide perception, etc. I have never heard a conservative utter such.
-People bitch because they are bitches, not because they are liberal.
I was once engaged to a liberal (and a bitch), so perhaps I have some bleed-over. . .