The SWO community does not suck - far from it. SWO retention does not suck – far from it. The 30-year historical retention for SWOs shows a huge dip in the early ‘90s, but has been at ‘80s levels since the late ‘90s - around 35%-40%. There are, however, ENORMOUS challenges right now in the Surface Force, which make life very difficult and extremely painful. However, these things are cyclical and this period will correct itself eventually - only to be replaced by new challenges. Junior Officers haven’t seen these cycles before and are stuck in the here and now. In the early ‘90s, life was hard with post-Cold War budget cuts, exodus of Junior Officers and more. Late ‘90s, DHs suffered longer tours due to lack of DHs. In the 2001/2002 timeframe, many initiatives were implemented in the Surface Force without a clear understanding of the overall combined impact of the initiatives. In 2007/2008, leadership realized we went too far. Organizations can go south really quickly and it will take some time to work the institutional processes to get certain things corrected – like optimal manning. However, many initiatives are underway to get us back on track. It aint gonna happen overnight and daily life aboard ship will continue to be challenging for a few years. But, SWOs aren't the only community struggling. The community "Enterprises" are constantly looking at ways to save money while maintaining readiness - and these two goals are mutually exclusive.
SWO Bubba