GATORNFO. (thanks). See I drive a Chevy Nova. Hell yea my girl friends call (Casa Nova). It has room in the back (that's good for me)
. I'm just a college guy, so you know every body did there thing in college
, but somes time you don't have time for everything and u got use the back..
I hope next year I get my 442. that will be nice..
or a old jeep from TJ mexico and rebuild the damm thing and kee it for a long time.. but I need to pay college first.
Trucks are cool but... you waste to much GAS when you have. The back door closed and it makes alot drag..and if you open the door, you will get a stu
id I guess jeeps are best.. Plus with Jeeps you can get small Uhual and drive your stuff.
And if you really want a cool old car (classic)go to some border town of mexico and look at the old car or the hold harley's. And You can buy them with little dinero, And rebuild them here in USA. And you save some money and you can make money if you sale them.. If you don't want an old car, and you want a brand new DODGE etc.. you can buy one too.. you pay less.. so there you go.. by anything you want. The only thin you will pay in the U.S is taxes to the DMV just to get a plate..
Well there alot way to get cool car with bling bling if thats what you want.