To the OP...nobody in the group of Coasties I went through flight school with wanted fixed wing. We selected in groups of 20 (15 helo, 5 fixed). They had to make 5 people go fixed-wing each time. I was around for 5-7 of these selections. All those guys now say that they love it, but we all know they are crying inside.
Wow, the rotary/fixed debate is ageless! When I was a flight instructor, I transitioned countless rotary pilots into the Falcon and every single one of them was humbled and pleasantly surprised. The majority of incoming CO's/XO's of large air stations opted for fixed wing transitions for various reasons....and they had the choice to fly whatever aircraft they wanted. If I were asked to transition to rotary some day, I would begrudgingly oblige and probably eventually love flying helicopters.
Very true, everyone seems to want to go rotary right now.....largely in part to the publicity it has received in the media from disaster coverage stemming back to Katrina to the Coast Guard Alaska/Florida shows. When I had gone through flight school 10+ years ago, it was (and had been for a while) a fight to the death for Coast Guard students to get fixed wing....primarily because of the lucrative pathways it provided outside of the military. Things have obviously changed in that regard, but I think if you see a resurrection of the commercial airline career path that many are predicting within the next 10 years, the scales may tip the either way. But in any case, I've never understood the pissing match between the communities. Some take it for what it should be (good natured ribbing) and other get really emotional about it.
With that being said, anyone with a true love for military aviation, or aviation in general, should be pleased with whatever aircraft they get selected for. I mean, come on, can any of us believe we get paid to do this instead of sitting in corporate America all day?