Is this guy looking for his iron? It appears he lost it somewhere.A4sForever said:
Is this guy looking for his iron? It appears he lost it somewhere.A4sForever said:
Let's see if I can get this straight ... some of this may be outdated. This was the way-it-was ... back-in-the-day. And as you can go 'round and 'round on this if you don't cross the "t's" and dot the "i's" ... pay attention:
---Dress whites ----- "Choker" Whites (i.e. no difference)
--- Dinner Dress White ---- Mess Dress White (jacket)
---- Dinner Dress Blue ----Mess Dress Blue (jacket)
I'm exhausted. Time for limes. If it's wrong ... Sue me ....
Never seen (in person) chokers worn without medals. ....
...Was he wearing only "top 3" like is common now, or is that no-joke, only 3. ....