So, it sounds like my suspicions were right and people are definitely freaking out way too much about this test?
When I was a freshman starting my Aerospace Engineering degree, I was all hyped up to become a Naval Aviator. I even picked up Wink from the airport one day and we got breakfast and he told me sea stories. But then life happens. One day you wake up and you don't have the 4.0 GPA that you were used to in high school. One day you're working 20+ hours a week and trying to pass Advanced Engineering Mathematics. One day you have a girlfriend. One day your friends die in a car accident. One day life isn't exactly as pretty as you thought it was going to be when you were sitting across from Wink eating bacon and eggs.
I say to hell with you guys who are down on people about studying for this test. Taking tests is not always about what you know -- it's about playing the game. Hell, I can do calculus in my sleep, but that
doesn't mean I'm
too good to study for the ASTB.
I scored awesome on the ASTB and the recruiters in Phoenix (and a different recruiter I know through a friend) told me it would offset my less than spectacular GPA. Did my scores come out great because I studied my rear end off? You bet your ass they did. I have friends who I know are probably smarter than I am, yet they scored lower because they didn't study and didn't care.
The bottom line is, none of my fellow applicants will hurt themselves by studying. But if you're arrogant and think that you'll ace it because you're studying Aerospace Engineering or some other crap, you're just going to make it easier for somebody like me to get accepted. In that case, thank you.
I hope nobody takes this the wrong way, I'm not upset or trying to flame. I just don't want anybody to be discouraged from studying. So what if we screw up the Navy's statistics?! What really matters is that eventually I can get out there and serve my country in the best way that I know how.