I've watched the thread for a bit for a lot of reasons…mostly to see what the current "Great Generation" might suggest or recommend. I think all of the serious replies have merit and are worthy of your consideration.
Unless the whole thing about being gay (or Democratic, or staunchly pro-2nd Amendment, or Mormon, or Amish, or committed to the environment or [fill in the blank]) is ABSOLUTELY FUNDAMENTAL to telling your story…(e.g., can't get there without it…)
don't go there.
My basic reasoning is that, as I think some have said, "no one cares", policy is already on your side, and you don't want to paint yourself as especially caring or thinking it's very important either. It's part of who you are, to be sure, but not important to your future employer.
You have a great story about tripling up and hurrying up to graduate…many others have also done that for a whole host of reasons (family situations or responsibilities, financial considerations, to make maximum age windows, whatever…). That you did the very best you could in your circumstance is the most compelling side of the story. I'd focus on that…and your obviously strong desire to serve your country.