Your quota is based on when you would graduate OCS and be commissioned. So if you are just starting your sophmore year and don't get your degree until '07 you are an '07 quota. Has nothing to do with when you apply or are even accepted. Your quota, or slot, is based on when you finish OCS. Since OCS is 13 weeks a guy starting OCS in AUG 04 will be a '05 quota. New quota numbers are issued more or less on the standard gov't FY cycle. Bottom line is to apply early. If you are in the ball park for BDCP you can apply two years out and should. The bennies are great. Talk to a recruiter. If you don't qualify for BDCP then you have to time your app like a day trader times the stock market. It is almost as reliable too. If you are a straight OCS applicant then apply one year out, and again if necessary. If you are a graduate and applying now things will be difficult.