1. you can get away with it and it's not a big deal. I don't know if anyone ever got harrassed for carrying them. there are pads in all the bathrooms except the ones in the battalions just in case
2. request an emergency head call. it'll be fun! (and it will work)
3. white. just go with white. I don't know what they would do if they found multicolors, but white is always safe. or if you're really a masochist bring tie-dye
4.PT is once a day in the mornings every MTWFS. not Thursdays or Sundays. RPT is pretty much when ever, where ever. It's Shakira from hell.
5. outside of poopie week you'll have time to shave based on your own discression and time management. you could take a 3 hour hollywood shower in the evenings if you wanted to fail your classes and not pass inspection. electric razors are things that could be confiscated if you don't keep them locked up.
6. I don't think you can have any over the counter anything. but face washes like clearasil, oxy, or noxema are most-likely ok. they'd probably be considered cosmetics more than anything, which we are allowed to have for liberty. just keep them in your toiletry kit
7. bring a blanket and flashlight. if they take it away they take it away. but until they do, or if they don't, they are very valuable resources
8. You will be 100% at the mercy of the OCS barber so enjoy your hair while you've got it. if you get it cut short before you go they WILL find a way to make it shorter and/or crappier
Anyway... Sorry I've been away so long, guys. I pulled a totall OCS in the halls of the Academic building last week. I was walking past a hatch and saw a Commander in his whites walk out. suddenly I was at attention against the bulkhead, firmly but conversationally saying, "Good morning, Sir." He looked at me and shook his head. I bet the ROTC or Academy kids would have messed themselves. It's hardwired in me. Such bizaar side effects.
Oh, and my appartment is directly above GYSGT Rocquemore's. The other night he had all the other DI's over for Kung Fu movie night. I walked out of my appartment to do my laundary only to find my neighbor and GYSGTs Carlsson, Reyes, and Williams standing around eating hamburgers. They're all really cool and funny guys, but it was still like some surreal nightmare in some ways. I half expected to see some melting clocks and some spindly legged elephants.
"Who's the freak with his shirt on backwards? Supid! (stupid) Retard! (retard)" that's still what I run to.
I'm going to destroy you. Be my Valentine.