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Where do you live/keep your stuff... housing et al


I believe nicotine + caffeine = protein
It started back when I was finishing Primary in 2000. As MB said, it was to fill occupancy, which basically means it was a way for the base to keep getting money for its facility(s).
Understood, you gotta show that the money you got went to good use and that getting just as much (or more) next year is required.


E2 Intermediate- Lived in the base RV Park at NAS Corpus, in my own RV
E2 Advanced- Currently living in the base RV Park at NAS Kingsville.

Why are more and more people living in RV's in the navy??? Are we going redneck, or am i just missing out on the prime life that is a recreational vehicle. All I can picture is uncle eddie from "Christmas Vacation" in a bath robe with a beer yelling "the sh!tter was full."


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
This reminds of the time someone in my home town asked if I got paid for working in the military. I told him I signed up for the military, not indentured servitude.
Ok, I'm sure this is somewhere else on this site, but for a navy guy here is a basic flow:

Finish flight school, get wings, report to FRS (aka "The RAG"). Learn to fly the aircraft you will fly in the Fleet. You are still a student, but a student with wings. Time 10-15 months depending on a/c type, weather, a/c availability (not usually very good at RAGs), CQ schedules, etc. During RAG, you will also go to SERE school, swim/phys training, and other assorted schools.

After RAG, you go to First Sea Tour. This is usually a 36-42 month tour with a deploying unit. If you are a hooker, you will be assigned to a squadron, which part of a Carrier Air Wing (aka CVW or CAG). In your 3-3 1/2 year sea tour, you will probably make 2 deployments (avg 6 months each) to various parts of the world, prior to the deployments, you will do "Workups" which begin 6-9 months before you deploy and involve 2-3 at sea periods and a 2 week air wing det to Fallon Nevada.

After your First Sea Tour, you will roll to shore duty this is three years stationed ashore. You will be a RAG or Flight School Instructor, or maybe a recruiter, or an OCS or USNA staff guy, some go to Post Grad school (I wouldn't, don't know anyone who has who has screened for command lately).

After shore duty, there are lots of options (this tour usually 2 years): Back to a squadron (good-flying and getting great leadership opportunities), ships company tour (Asst. Navigator, TAO, Asst. Strike ops or Air ops, Cat&Arresting gear (shooters).

Then, if you have done well, you will screen for Department head. Back to sea in a squadron, usually about 2 years. You will rotate through the squadron's departments as the guy responsible for (listed from least desirable to most IMO) Admin, Training, Safety, Ops, Maintenance.

Then back to shore duty. War college, RAG Department Head, Pentagon (youch!) PG School, etc etc.

If you did well in your DH tour, you might screen for command, you will be CO of a squadron. Most people desire to command squadrons for their type of a/c, but there are also Training Command and special mission squadrons that need COs. You will report as XO, spend about 18-24 months as XO then take command.

Post-command, depending on how you do as a CO you could be a RAG CO, TRAWING Commodore (in charge of all the squadrons at a base), Air Boss, Carrier Ops O, Carrier Strike group Staff guy, etc.

If you are REALLY Shit-hot as a CO, you may screen for "Nuc XO" and go to Nuc school to get checked out on a reactor - this is the path that leads to Carrier CO. The other (less painful) path for really shit hot guys is to screen for CAG.

This is a sample career path - it is very fluid, there is no "Set" path. Not too hard to stay in the cockpit for your fist 2-3 sets of orders.

Thanks, I appreciate it - That's a really useful post.