So, I admit that I don't know much about watches other than ones I aesthetically like. I'm going to save up and get myself a watch for my winging, but I want to keep the price down.
So far I like the De Pol watch with wings on the face, since it would be the obvious watch to get for winging. Other than a Bremont watch with the airframe your going to, but that's out of my price league.
The other option is the Hamilton Khaki X-Wind Auto
(Pic). I like the way it looks and I think having the x wind stuff is a little cooler than the slide rule bezel around my citizen watch. The only problem is that I have never had an automatic watch and don't know much about them.
So, in your humble opinions, would you go for the De Pol watch that is going to be a little easier to maintain and look for Naval Aviation-ish, or the Hamilton that I think looks cooler, but would be a little more intensive? Both watches can be had for within $50 of each other, so is there something about one movement over another that makes a significant difference?