Well, I'm just a dumb young kid (so pardon me if I say something weird, but I've just gotta say this), junior in high school, growing up in a spoiled and rich town. I decided a long time ago that I wanted to do something truly meaningful (not to knock on all my friends who are going to be doctors and lawyers, and executivers, but its just not for me). I thought hard about teaching, and still want to do it someday, but it was after seeing Arlington Cemetery for the third time (when I was mature enough to think about it in the right way) that I finally decided the military was the way to go, at least to start off my life. I've become pretty apolitical these past few years, unable to say for certain how I think about certain things, but I know that I cannot err in service to the nation, and would gladly fight, regardless of cause. I am confidant that our nation will never commit an ill-intened act, and any errors we may make as a country will ultimately be over-shadowed with the good that we have done and will always do. But, more personally, I hope to pay back some of the debt I feel I owe to those who served before me. The sense of camaraderie and the idea that I'm part of something bigger than me are also big factors in my desire to serve.
Why the Navy (and ideally as an aviator, too

)? Well, I loved planes and boats as a kid, and always felt kind of "familiar" with navies. Learning to sail and love the ocean kind of clinched it, and a reminder of my life-long desire to fly game me my present goal: wings of gold. Plus, I've slowly realized just how many people I know and admire are or were Navy.
As my signature betrays, I may have a real battle ahead of me (long and complicated story), but I want this badly, and I have to try. I just hope my intentions are honorable.