From my perspective, the girl on subs thing is largely driven by recruiting economics. Filling the billets on subs is already pretty difficult. You have a fairly stringent set of requirements for physical and mental health, security clearance, a very long and difficult training track for nukes, and THEN they have to volunteer. It takes them 2 years onboard to get fully qualified, and then you get 1.5 good years out of them before they are gone. Opening up that pipeline to a greater pool of applicants just makes sense. The vast majority of nuke officers get out after the first term. The Navy has to keep an endless stream of qualified applicants coming, and it is hard enough without sending lots of otherwise qualified applicants away.
I have spent a fair amount of time in the sub community, and while there is resistance, there is no real reason why it shouldn't happen. It will present new challenges wrt relationships onboard, pregnancies, etc, but those things can really be overcome without too much fuss. Lets face it, it is going to happen, people can either bitch about it and make it difficult or do their part to help make it easy.
I have spent a fair amount of time in the sub community, and while there is resistance, there is no real reason why it shouldn't happen. It will present new challenges wrt relationships onboard, pregnancies, etc, but those things can really be overcome without too much fuss. Lets face it, it is going to happen, people can either bitch about it and make it difficult or do their part to help make it easy.