I'm not sure what he was getting at, but my concern is losing conditioning. I'm a tri/biathlete, and competitive runner in 10k-half marathons. I run 50-60 miles a week, swim 2500 meters 4 times a week and cycle up wards of 400 miles a month. Needless to same I'm not the guy that runs an 8min/mile for 4 miles 3 times a week, not that theres anything wrong with that, I'm just really involved with my fitness. That being said the effects of work outs at OCS sound slightly subjective based on the participants fitness level. I mean I think if you've never worked out religiously and 3-4 mile runs 3 times a week are an accomplishement, outstanding. But for mid to long distance runners we lose conditioning with shorter and slower runs. So maybe that is his concern as well. From all that I've heard concerning the workouts, its alot less than I do myself, so I can understand what he is saying, if that is indeed what he is saying.