Actually, I lived next door to the dude and my roommate saw him out earlier that night. He was at McGuire's and we lived in one of the communities off Gulf Beach out the backgate. He didn't take a turn at the T intersection entering the community and plowed into a house. He drove off but a somewhat identifiable part of his brand new white Lexus was left with the house. He turned himself in the next afternoon.
There was a lot more to it than that (there always is, isn't there?). It's a miracle he didn't kill anyone.
Suffice to say, terminated with extreme prejudice.
Look, A-Pool was on lockdown for a while because several of the Enswines took it upon themselves to fuck the dog in most spectacular fashion. Way beyond normal ENS shenanigans. If it happens again, expect lockdown to happen again.
So if you are or are about to be in A-Pool, do us all a favor and keep an eye on your shipmates. That doesn't mean cover up for their fuckups (though this has also happened), that means do what you can to keep them from trying on the Bad Idea Jeans in the first place.