Has there ever been talk of merging the Navy & USAF in that mission area? I've worked with both, each with their pluses and minuses, but they seem to essentially provide the same products. Any UNCLASS experiences/opinions you'd care to relate - compare & contrast?
They are essentially the same missions, though they each have their pluses and minuses like you said. They did come very close to getting rid of one of the two platforms in the early 90's and did a big study on it, I got there right after the big scare to EP-3's was over. But they decided that since they needed the numbers, they were deployed to the max back then, they could not afford to retire either fleet. The cost to build up either fleet, read the RC-135 fleet, is way too prohibitive. The cost of a brand new Rivet Joint is in the hundreds of millions, and it would be several billion to bulk up the fleet by 10 or 12.
It really would not fly in today's enviroment, both fleets are tasked beyond their limits. The RC guys are hurting, though it is mainly USAF stupidity that is the cause for that. It is not helped by putting a one star Intel O in charge of the wing.......easily one of the most incompetent and unprofessional guys I ever had the displeasure to deal with.......
You want irony? How about a Navy aircraft fleet a third smaller and half the aircrew that delivers the same number of deployable planes as the USAF. More irony, the USAF in its infinite wisdom deploys their most overstreched aircrew position so much that they are gone sometimes two to three times as much as the regular guys, 240 to 300 days a year for 4-5 years, and then suffers even more when they have the worst retention rates in the wing. The issue has gotten so bad it was at OSD level a few months ago. Unfortuntely, at least for this issue, the Rumsfeld crew left and the USAF has not been told to unscrew itself yet........
The best solution, put Navy crews in the RC-135. The USAF Rivet Joint guys are not bad, especially when they have been flying the plane for 8 straight years, but they run the plane with three seperate crews. They don't even hav ea mission commander!

The EP-8 will even things up a bit.......and yes, there are concrete proposals for the thing, I have even seen cool paintings doen by Beoing for it!