paid i think 75, got me fixed wing commercial/instrument + rotary wing commercial/instrument, definitely an absurd deal considering the massive load of cash to do that the civilian route.
Silly question/threadjack on the way. I don't know much about the civilian flight certification process beyond what I learned in IFS.
I know I need a PPL to qualify to earn my commercial on the civilian side. When taking the FAA equivalency post-winging, the commercial qualifies me to do all the same things a PPL does right? Is the PPL not necessary since a commercial supercedes it? Not entirely sure how the legal-side of the whole things works (ie if a Commercial = PPL + x).
All I have to say is suck it up, pussies.
I didn't know SHIT about flight outside of Microsoft Flight Simulator when I started. I got the fire hose of API, then touched the first controls of an aircraft in Primary. Damn near got attrited because of my inability to flare (I figured it out the flight before my solo check).
If you work your ass off, you will make it. If you don't, you won't.
Oh, and no matter how much over the Marine Corps is for pilot contracts - it's a fucking contract. If they "force" you to re-designate for no other reason than they contracted too many people, you can sue them for breach of contract. If you fuck up - sorry, you shouldn't have fucked it up.
Microsoft Flight Simulator - It's probably been discussed before...but this is actually a great resource. Not for learning to fly, specifically, but for instrument approaches. Before my IPCs, I've fired it up for a few hours of instrument fun. It's much nicer to make the embarrassing mistakes there, as opposed to the cockpit. Just my $.02
And on your contract, is there a "Needs of the Marine Corps" clause? In other words, is there a clause in there that would allow them to re designate you to another branch, should the need arise?
Great Information