If you have no prior service, you'll be paid as an E5. Spekkio, I believe nukes are a bit different and you guys got paid as E6's. But I know for sure, 2 years ago at OCS, we got paid as E5s.
From a girl's perspective: don't propose until you're actually commissioned. Seriously. Think of it this way- If you can't make it 12 weeks long distance with a 1x/week phone call and an occasional email, then you certainly won't make it through 20 years of deployments, and PCS-ing every 3 years. Unfortunately, OCS will be the test you will need to see if you're both prepared to commit to each other for the long haul. She really needs to be ready to be your biggest supporter through this challenge and understand that you're no longer in charge of your schedule. At all. It takes a strong relationship.
Advice and experiences from as many people as possible would be much appreciated.
...married by a JOP to be legally married and then have a "big wedding" later ...
I know this thread is nearly a year dead by this point but I wanted to hijack it for a second. My girlfriend and I are planning on doing the "marriage then ceremony" thing as mentioned by several others here on AW. However, we want to get married before I go to OCS (we have spent nearly 6mos apart while I was in Europe so the distance won't be an issue, besides, we have to get used to it as everyone has said) instead of after being commissioned.
Anyway, my packet is awaiting the 15 July board right now and I'm wondering: is there a POC to whom I should tell once we tie the knot (assuming I'm lucky enough to get selected)? Also, will this cause a lot of issues in my paperwork since I'm still a wannabe and I haven't taken the oath yet?
I know this thread is nearly a year dead by this point but I wanted to hijack it for a second. My girlfriend and I are planning on doing the "marriage then ceremony" thing as mentioned by several others here on AW. However, we want to get married before I go to OCS (we have spent nearly 6mos apart while I was in Europe so the distance won't be an issue, besides, we have to get used to it as everyone has said) instead of after being commissioned.
Anyway, my packet is awaiting the 15 July board right now and I'm wondering: is there a POC to whom I should tell once we tie the knot (assuming I'm lucky enough to get selected)? Also, will this cause a lot of issues in my paperwork since I'm still a wannabe and I haven't taken the oath yet?
I know this thread is nearly a year dead by this point but I wanted to hijack it for a second. My girlfriend and I are planning on doing the "marriage then ceremony" thing as mentioned by several others here on AW. However, we want to get married before I go to OCS (we have spent nearly 6mos apart while I was in Europe so the distance won't be an issue, besides, we have to get used to it as everyone has said) instead of after being commissioned.
Anyway, my packet is awaiting the 15 July board right now and I'm wondering: is there a POC to whom I should tell once we tie the knot (assuming I'm lucky enough to get selected)? Also, will this cause a lot of issues in my paperwork since I'm still a wannabe and I haven't taken the oath yet?
I was curious about the process between selection and OCS as well. Do you need a physical after selection and before OCS? I have a working flight physical and a meps physical that is dated. Do I need to do anything else?